In the family harmonious children will be easy to socialize

Regards Steemian

A child raised in a harmonious family will feel the affection of both parents in full, this is what underlays the child to always give thanks because he is aware out there many unlucky children like himself



Having a harmonious family must be the dream of everyone. The reason, only in the family harmony only positive things can happen. Similarly with the life of a child, a child raised by a harmonious family will generally grow into extraordinary individuals.

However, any kind of indifference that parents do will have a very bad effect on the child's future. In line with this, a well-known psychiatrist Prof. Dr. dr. H. Dadang Hawari said, "The most suffering as a result of family dysfunction is children.In families experiencing marital dysfunction, the risk of growing children with anti-social behavior is much higher, than children living and raised in harmonious families. "

Every parent needs to realize how important it is to have a harmonious family. As for children, there are at least 5 reasons why children raised in harmonious families are much happier, among them:



In the family harmonious children will learn to always give thanks

A child raised in a harmonious family will feel the affection of both parents in full, this is what underlies the child to always give thanks because he is aware out there many unlucky children like him.

In the family harmonious children will be easy to socialize

The majority of children learn by way of initiation or modeling. When both parents live in harmony, then by itself the child will learn the meaning of friendship. In social life any child will not experience significant difficulties, because what he learned in that house also that he will apply.

In a harmonious family the child learns not to worry about life

With the support of both loving parents the child will be able to develop a sense of self-confidence, so he will not be too worried about facing his future. Not only that, through the example of the piety of their parents will also learn more closer to God, so that spiritual life is maintained.

In a harmonious family the child grows smart

Children who are raised with a harmonious atmosphere will generally grow by having better intellectual, emotional and spiritual intelligence. The intelligences will ultimately enable the child to compete both in school and in informal activities.



In a harmonious family the child does not experience a crisis of affection

Parents who love each other's impact will be perceived by the whole family, where harmony will be created and affection as a family builds up. Children who grow up with such family conditions will not experience a crisis of affection, so their lives will be very happy and far from harmful acts.

in the harmonious family of children's health is guaranteed

No doubt the child raised in a harmonious family will not be abandoned, the impact of child health will always be guaranteed because of caring parents.

Family harmony has a very important role in an effort to develop a child's personality. Therefore, as a parent prepare yourself as well as possible in order to be able to answer the needs of the baby will love. No single parent is perfect, but as far as you are trying to be sure there is nothing impossible that you can not accomplish.

A child raised in a harmonious family will feel the affection of both parents in full, this is what underlays the child to always give thanks because he is aware out there many unlucky children like himself


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