My Children are Free!!!

Hi everyone!!

I have an exciting announcement to make! While the kids were on spring break, we enjoyed each other's company so much that we decided to take the leap into homeschooling!!

I homeschooled up until 3 years ago, and at that time, my son was 3 years ahead of his grade level. Due to postpartum issues after my 5th child, I sent them to public school. But I'm back! I'm alive and strong, and I'm once again ready to initiate this journey together as a family!! Just this morning, I registered them with the department of public instruction, per the mandate in my state.


Yesterday the conversation went like this:

Me: "I can't believe spring break is almost over!"

Jared: "I know right? Back to the indoctrination camp...we should just homeschool them again."

The kids unanimously: "Yes! Homeschool!! Homeschool!! I want to be homeschooled!"

We looked at each other for a few seconds, and I said, "Ok! Let's do it!"

It was as simple as that.

But will it be...


I'm a little nervous about people poking their noses around where they don't belong. Namely CPS. They've been in my life before. I went to them for help, and they took me to court and put conditions on me that I had to follow. If I didn't follow them I could've been held in contempt and had my children taken can read my story here.

On top of all that, homeschoolers are often unduly targeted. I know if they grace my doorstep with their presence, @familyprotection will be there every step of the way. They have given voice to many victims of this corrupt system. Thanks to @canadian-coconut, @markwhittam, @jamesc, @thethreehugs, and the many other supporters of their efforts to spread the word about CPS.

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Despite the slight tension I feel, living in a country where our freedoms are slowly eroding, I'm excited about what the future holds! Making our own schedule, unfettered learning, field trips, freedom! Wish us luck and protection on our new adventure!!


Thanks for reading!

Love, snowpea ❤

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