7 Ludicrous Signs CPS Workers Watch For and 3 Absurd Groups They Target

Hi Steemians! The thought of CPS sends shivers down many a parent's spine, probably because we've all heard and read horror stories about precious children being taken away for little to no reason, as well as the stories of the atrocious abuse of kids in foster care. Today I will share with you 7 ridiculous things CPS workers are on the lookout for as well as 3 groups who are unfairly targeted.


I can understand why authorities would swoop into a domestic abuse situation, or if an investigation was opened in the instance of unexplained and repeated injuries, but many instances of concern are completely unwarranted.

I had the unfortunate experience of having social services involvement in my life, and though my children were never taken away from me, I have gained much insight into how they work, through personal experience and research. Be honest, are you guilty of one of these 7 deadly sins? I'm going to say yes, because no one is the perfect parent.

1.) Cavities: I'm so glad I wasn't ripped away from my mom as a child, because I definitely had cavities in my first set of teeth. This can be seen as neglectful. Does your child have a sweet tooth? Be careful.

2.) A shy child: If a child is introverted, this is often a warning sign that they're being abused. Many kids are naturally shy, but in today's extraverted society it is seen as abnormal, which is preposterous.

3.) Bed wetting: If a child wets the bed, CPS raises their eyebrows. When they were involved in my life, they really had to stretch to put me under their control. One of the findings they found significant was the fact that my 3 year old wet the bed. Yes. My 3 year old! Some children just wet the bed! The main reason is a small or undeveloped bladder combined with deep sleep. Science knows this. Doctors know this. Why don't CPS workers know this?

4.) A fearful child: If a child is afraid of men in particular. What CPS workers overlook is that men often have loud deep voices and many can have an intimidating appearance. My sister in law used to be afraid of men when she was little, and she never had a reason to be, other than the fact that men can look and sound scary to a child. Once my father in law painted his blond mustache black and walked into the house as a practical joke. My sister in law was scarred for life! I'm kidding, she got over it. 😂

5.) America is squeaky clean: If your kid is not squeaky clean, there's a problem. I saw on one website that even a couple of days without a bath or a shower can be seen as neglectful. Not to get too personal about my own life, but with 5 kids, there's no way I'm giving 5 baths every night. Especially in these Wisconsin winters when they're mostly inside. It's not happening! Should my children be removed from their loving home because of this!? I'll make them take daily showers when they're stinky teenagers. ;)

6.) An over emotional child: If a child is dramatic or has behavioral problems, it may be a sign that something is a miss. A social worker will consider the possibility of an unloving parent.

7.) Missing school: In our district we get letters home after 5 days. Another letter after 10 days along with a call from the guidance counselor. Out of 170 some odd days of school! Further intervention after that where we require a doctor's note and further intervention after this where social services might get involved. That's what happens when your kids get the stomach flu, pink eye, and a couple ear infections in the same year. Just saying. So much for freedom.


3 Groups Unfairly Targeted

1.) The poor: This is heartbreaking because there is a difference between poverty and neglect. If a child has to wear the same 2 pairs of jeans because the parents are short on cash, or if the parents are having trouble paying the bills, this is not grounds to remove children. This is not neglect. Society and CPS often see it as such, even though the poorest people here are some of the richest people as far as the entire world is concerned.

2.) Single moms: I give so much credit to single moms. They do everything! Some are stretched thin and struggling for survival, especially if they have no family or friends nearby. I truly believe that when I was single and staying in a shelter, I would've had my kids taken if it weren't for the support of friends and family. CPS gathered that there would be a lot of angry people if my kids were ripped from me. In fact, my social worker noted this in the initial CPS order...

3.) Homeschoolers: Why are homeschoolers targeted? I believe for the simple reason that there's a stigma due to a few bad apples we see in the news every now and then, along with the fact that they often don't fit in with the rest of society.

I can guarantee, CPS is taking children from loving homes for these very reasons. I could've had mine taken away, but I was blessed to be spared such heartache. Think it can't happen to you? Read my story here: https://steemit.com/familyprotection/@snowpea/how-i-could-ve-lost-my-kids-for-no-good-reason

Consider supporting @familyprotection, they are helping families and working hard, getting the word out about CPS's reckless abuse of power, as well as giving voice to their many victims. Thanks for reading! If you have your own story to tell, make sure you use the familyprotection tag, so they can find you.

Love, snowpea ❤

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