‼️There are no friendly vaccines‼️

Today im writing about the dangers of the Gardasil HPV vaccine.

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This type of treacherous add above, is what let parents decide to get this vaccine and then end up dead or injured.

Human papillomavirus vaccines are vaccines that prevent infection by certain types of human papillomavirus. Available HPV vaccines protect against either two, four, or nine types of HPV. All HPV vaccines protect against at least HPV types 16 and 18, which cause the greatest risk of cervical cancer.

After the organization Merck, found out that there was a huge plunge in their sales of the HPV vaccine Gardasil, during the COVID-19 pandemic, they launched a new advertising campaign where they vaccinate 9-year-old girls.

Sales are now regaining as Merck undertakes a new topic targeting 9-year-olds with their deadly vaccine.

So many young people have been injured and killed by Gardasil over the years. One of the most obliterating results of Gardasil antibody is untimely menopause in little kids, which makes them sterile.


Before COVID-19 was assessed doctors confirmed that Gardasil was the biggest scandal of all time and that no evidence proves that a vaccine targeting an alleged "virus" can prevent cancer.

Since Gardasil was approved by the FDA, there have been 70,854 cases filed in VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) resulting in 605 deaths, and 3,411 permanent disabilities. This probably represents about 1% of the actual cases. Almost 50% of those cases (33,997 cases) were reported in children under the age of 17, in the 6-17 years old age group. When we break it down even further, it is easy to see why Merck is targeting 9-year-olds, the youngest age the vaccine is approved for, as 33,594 of the 33,997 cases for this age group are between the ages of 10 and 17.

It is therefore only a marketing strategy to promote their market.


This negative information about Gardasil has been known for quite a while. Every one of the specialists and researchers who spoke out against this immunization was portrayed as "quacks."

A TV advertisement from Merck reminds guardians that it's undoubtedly the perfect age to begin immunizing their kids against the human

papillomavirus to forestall future tumors.

I'm persuaded that one of the essential objectives of immunizations in small kids is, is to control the masses.
An excerpt from the film Vaxxed II highlights the many harmful effects of the Gardasil vaccine.

Here are a few instances of parents who have lost their kids because of the antibody.

A 14-year-old daughter Ashlyn of the Brill family of Wisconsin had an active healthy, life. She is currently a child experiencing seizures lasting more than 5 hours.

Ashlyn has gone from a sound, dynamic youngster who presently endures torment all through her body, and has encountered more than 300 seizures since she was inoculated with the Gardasil immunization year and a half prior.

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Her folks took her to a Children's Hospital where the clinical staff attempted to decide the reason.
Specialists supposedly let Ashlyn's mom know that the assaults were connected with an excessive amount of pressure.

She didn't accept this response and demanded that this multitude of ailments be researched concerning the Gardasil immunization.

According to her, the doctor closed the door and told her the following.

"Whether it's caused by the Gardasil vaccine or not, 95% of our research money comes from pharmaceutical companies." Unfortunately, your child is a small fish in a big sea.
And if we were to admit this was the Gardasil vaccination, we would lose our funding for our research.”

Illinois Teen Dies Three Weeks After Being Injected with HPV Gardasil Vaccine

Here's another case of a boy who died 3 weeks after being vaccinated with HPV Gardasil.

Christopher Bunch a14-year-old boy passed away on 14 August 2018. On the 6 of August, he had symptoms of headaches and started vomiting.

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Shortly after being admitted to the hospital, he lost his ability to breathe on his own and became completely paralyzed on his left side.

To relieve the swelling in his brain, Christopher underwent surgery. He was still in critical condition and died two days later.
The above is just two case studies there is many more and in my book one death is one to many.

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