The UN & CPS: Behind The Facade

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[Pay attention to the second guy from the right- he'll show up again in the link below]

I've written several posts about how the CPS abuse, and in particular the agenda behind, it all leads back to the United Nations and their phony Convention on the Rights of the Child. People around the world love children and the sick powers behind the UN, CPS, the professional activists in groups like the Children's Defense Fund in the US and NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children in the UK, use that document to tear families apart. It's easy for them to play on people's emotional attachment to children against them. After all who (besides me) has even read the Convention? People are too busy living their lives to pay more attention- all they get is quick sound bytes on TV.

One example of the groups is Save the Children who uses starving children in third world countries to tug at the heartstrings. People assume that the money they send goes to feed the needy kids- inevitably, however, it goes to "administrative" costs such as trafficking children for sex and cheap labor. Almost all of these organizations are linked in one way or another to the UN and its myriad of organizations such as UNESCO and UNICEF. These organizations are rotten at the top and their corrupt perverse agenda radiates downward through federal and state agencies tasked with protecting children. Using people's inherent concern for issues such as child abuse as a subterfuge, CPS legally kidnaps children using any number of specious claims to take them and force them into the foster care/child trafficking pipeline.

This is kind of the difficult dynamic to explain... the corruption and overall agenda begins at the top with the UN and radiates downward throughout federal, state agencies as well as NGO's that support them. The children taken by CPS are put into the pipeline and then are trafficked upward with the "choice," mostly blonde/blue eyed ones receiving preferential "treatment." (This is why I was so terrified for my grandkids). These UN agencies are used as fronts- vehicles to promote and cover up rampant pedophilia within the organization itself. CPS is step one in the process where children are taken and then evaluated. Now the chickens are coming home to roost...

A long time consultant for the Secretary General of the UN, UNESCO, the NSPCC, UNICEF and Save the Children named Peter Newell- the gentleman referred to in the picture- has been jailed for abusing a 12 year old boy. Moreover, Justin Forsyth, Dep. Exec. Director of UNICEF, former Director of OXFAM and Save the Children was forced to resign over allegations of sexual harassment. You may remember OXFAM from the 2010 Haiti earthquake when they were caught opening brothels in the island nation. Newell, by the way, along with Hillary Clinton was instrumental in crafting the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child the tool, or model used to destroy families and "emancipate" children from their families to be placed into the pipeline- after all, they have to come from somewhere... the corruption just never ends!

Please join @familyprotection in the struggle to keep children and families safe from government abuse.

GIF by @papa-pepper


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