God Bless Texas- Part II: The More You Know

Does this guy look like a sheriff or what?

Yesterday I wrote about a Texas judge who had the temerity to call CPS "unconstitutional." It was a story of hope that all is not lost in the crusade against the juggernaut of the federal government. Former Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill said that, "all politics are local," and he makes a very valid point. If we are to realize any success whatsoever against CPS and the corrupt system they represent, it will have to be done locally. Let's face it- most of law enforcement is corrupt. The good old "cop on the beat" is gone, replaced by bullies and thugs that came back from Iraq or Afghanistan "not wrapped too tight." As far as their relationship with CPS goes they are most often willing accomplices. They're trained now to view the public as "the enemy." (This comes from a good friend on the force where I live, whose retired now) This is why in yesterday's post I brought up the Sheriff's Department.

Medina County Texas Sheriff Randy Brown had some harsh criticisms of Texas Child Protection Services (CPS) this past week after they arrested a 58-year old man for sexually abusing 5 former foster care children. The man, Miguel Briseno molested up to 180 girls that had been placed in his care. Maybe it's my suspicious nature, but when a man only opens his home to girls flashing red lights begin to go off. Two types of people become foster parents: 1) People who genuinely care about children (all children) and 1) Pedophiles looking for profits and "fresh meat." Briseno, it goes without saying was the latter.

Sheriff Brown told the San Antonio Express:

“It’s not a question about whether there are more, it’s just about how many.”

“Those girls were taken from some environment and then you have some jackass like him abusing these girls that already have troubles,” Brown said.

“I’m aggravated at the whole system. I’m aggravated at the company that placed these girls. It was a money-making deal, the way they were running those girls through there like livestock. It wasn’t about making a better world for them. They were making a profit off them.”

This was not the first time foster parent Miguel Briseno allegedly ran into trouble with the law and was arrested on child sex abuse charges, according to Sheriff Brown.

In April 2013, the Medina County Sheriff’s Office arrested him on a charge of solicitation to commit sexual assault of a child. The arrest came after one of Briseno’s foster children said he had sexually assaulted her in August 2012, when he no longer had a foster license. Why on earth was this guy allowed within 100 yards of children?

In Dec. of 2014 Children's Rights, a New York based advocacy group filed suit on behalf of 12,000 children in Texas. This, by the way, was the suit that got Judge Jack involved in the process- she was presiding judge. "After legal proceedings that lasted about one year, where the State of Texas tried to get the case dismissed, U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack ruled against the State of Texas in December of 2015 stating that the foster care system named in the lawsuit was unconstitutional. In her 255 page ruling, Judge Jack stated: Texas’ PMC (Permanent Managing Conservatorship) children have been shuttled throughout a system where rape, abuse, psychotropic medication, and instability are the norm."

"Sheriffs such as Randy Brown might be America’s last hope to stop the abuses against America’s children committed by Child Protection Services across the country, and corrupt foster parents who traffick children. The Constitution protects the rights of parents and children from illegal entry into their home without a judge’s warrant. Sheriff’s are elected officials and are the highest level of law enforcement in each county."

Most people are unaware of the power vested in their local Sheriff's Dept.. The Sheriff is the ultimate arbiter of Constitutional rights in their jurisdiction (county). Their power supersedes the local police, the governor and even the federal government. They swear an oath to uphold the Constitution that ensures that the rights therein will NOT be violated in their county. Former Sheriff Richard Mack outlines these powers in the following short video. He's been kind of a hero of mine since the 1990's when he, as Sheriff of Graham Cty. AZ, started the Arizona Militia.

I also encourage you to read the article (#2) in the links:

"This article will focus on how concerned citizens can and should begin a conversation with their local sheriff, an elected official who is oath-bound to abide by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to protect their constituents. This would apply to protection from illegal search and seizures, especially in regards to aiding and abetting CPS when searching homes and seizing children without a warrant, and without probable cause, exigent circumstances or imminent danger being substantiated. It often appears that these public servants, our sheriffs and other local law enforcement, are taking their orders from CPS social workers, to act against the people, instead of protecting the people from violations of their God-given freedoms."

There is hope, but it's up to all of us to become involved. Vote well for your local sheriff- ask questions. If you care about your rights or the rights of children and families, you can't just sit back and hope for the best. During election years, go to events and ask the candidates where they stand on Constitutional rights and honoring their oaths against the power of the federal government. Contact Sheriff Mack's organization and get their material Constitutional Peace Officers Association (CSPOA), has this to say:

"We can’t ignore where the Sheriff came from, where this power has come from and that we as deputies and peace officers who have all sworn the same oath and that we stand united in making sure that the people in our counties have individual liberty. I don’t think there is anything in our jobs that we won’t view differently, and I’m talking about even writing tickets or doing checkpoints, roadblocks and anything else that we do in law enforcement. It will all change once we start looking at it through the prism of the Constitution. It is our foundation, my friends. I’ve never built anything in my life, I don’t know how to build a room or a building or a cardboard box but I know this, that if you destroy the foundation, the rest of the building falls."

Know that there are people out there that are willing and able to help... none of us can fight the corruption alone. It's a symbiotic relationship- we can't do it without their help and they can't do it without ours. Become involved! [As sort of a side note- the Sheriff's Dept. in Sebastian County AR has for years run a ranch that provides a home for homeless kids- there are good people out there]





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