CPS- Education- Pharmaceuticals: An Unholy Trinity

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In the last post we discussed the symbiotic relationship between CPS and the Educational Establishment. Today I want to expand on that thesis a bit by adding the mandatory drugging of children. If you missed it, here's how it works... teachers (people barely competent to educate) "diagnose" children with ADD or ADHD and demand the child be medicated or they cannot return to class. If the parents refuse, CPS steps in often removing the child from the home. These agencies of government tasked with ensuring "the best interest of the child"... one intellectually, the other for safety, act in reality as tools of indoctrination for governmental and non-governmental (NGO's). This is one reason homeschoolers are typically targeted- if you're not a worshipper of government, you're a threat.

I've demonstrated in several posts groups such as the UN, CDF, the NEA and others are attempting to indoctrinate America's children, as well as children around the globe into an ideological consistency. Families are the biggest threat to this perverse globalist worldview. CPS and drugs are used more and more to destroy this threat. For millennia the values of children have been the purview of the family- to the ideologues this is a stumbling block. Just as pedophiles prey on children sexually, these ideological pedophiles prey on them emotionally and intellectually and we're beginning to witness the results of their work.

Groups such as Black Lives Matter protest against racism that all but disappeared decades ago, but re-emerged in the minds of their puppet-masters in academia. ANTIFA runs around behaving like Hitler's Brown Shirts protesting non-existent Fascism. Very often psychotropic drugs are used to accomplish this. Over 80% of children in foster care are placed on these horrible drugs. And it gets worse.

In schools around the country, they're medicating children for being children. If you really think about it, school is an unnatural setting yet we put kids in this highly structured environment (for longer and longer periods of time) and expect them to behave as adults. When I homeschooled, they typical school day was about 3 hours long and when my kids were put back into public school by my ex-wife- all four were the smartest in their class. Thank God I was able to teach them to think so they could combat the indoctrination.

The video, among many other issues, talks about teachers making diagnoses and if you couple psychotropic drugs with the lethal cocktail of vaccines forced on children by the state- not to mention all of the chemicals in food and water- the government is turning children into toxic chemical dumps... I wonder why they behave strangely! To make matters worse, the federal government gives money to school districts to put kids on psychotropics. Just like the adoption subsidies, it's all about the money- remove the kids, drug them, get the cash. If you refuse to medicate, CPS gets invlved. They deliberately pull kids out of loving homes and put them in foster care because "special needs" kids get a higher reward- it's a double whammy.

The Department of Education and Health and Human Services are behind it. Why are kids being drugged for being kids? Because it makes money for Big Pharma and Big Pharma gives a lot of money to politicians. In my fictional story The Night Gods I wrote: "A politician is only as good as the corporations that pay to get him elected." The makers of the vaccines and psychotropics pay politicians to pass laws to force drugs on kids because it's good for business... and what's good for business is good for the politicians. Where are the advocates for children, such as the CDF, the NEA and such? Getting huge donations from Big Pharma... while pretending to be interested in the wellbeing of children. Making docile, indoctrinated adults that support their money-making schemes... and if they have to turn your kids into vegetables and destroy your family to do it- that's a sacrifice they're perfectly willing to make. Are you?

Of the many tragic stories in the video, one really stands out to me in showcasing the inhumanity of the system. It's the story of a woman and her son, who wouldn't sit still in class. Once again, a teacher "diagnosed" him with ADHD and demanded he be medicated... the mother refused. CPS kidnapped the boy from school and put him in a group home where he was drugged and physically abused. When the mother visited him, he barely recognized her and she noticed he was covered with bruises. On another visit, she noticed a large swollen bruise on his face that he was too drugged to explain. She took him and fled to Canada where he recovered. Upon returning, she was arrested and her son put back in the home )where she is no longer allowed to visit). A professional woman (a CPA) who never even had a traffic ticket is now a convicted felon... Her crime was loving her child and wanting what was best for him- that and daring to question the authority of an abusive criminal cabal.

GIF by @papa-pepper


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