Why Russian parents commit suicide by losing their children to the CPS- Psychological analysis


A couple of days ago, I came across a post where they stated that Russian parents committed suicide by being separated from their children as a result of social service, so I will try to explain the psychological reasons for such action. In principle the fact of being constantly monitored and harassed by the social service generates many repercussions but, this time we will only focus on the emotional, physical, biological and effectively social repercussions, we will understand each one of them.

Emotional consequences.

Parents, caregivers or significant figures are subject to considerable stress including persecutory ideas for constant and illegal visits, many of them suffer from some manifestations of stress such as uncontrollable crying, repetitive ideas that pierce the mind (such as the fact of never seeing their children, as they are and more), which in many cases produces anxiety and deep sadness, also experience feelings of worthlessness since there is little they can do to recover their children.

Physical consequences

Fathers and mothers can suffer from physical ailments by experiencing such overwhelming emotions, such as joint pain, headaches, back pain, limb pain, neck and shoulder pain. This in psychology is called somatize, it is nothing more than the expression of those emotions that are suppressed by being plaintiffs and not having internal resources or personal skills to face it. The individual can develop specific pathologies with real pain but, when undergoing medical tests there are no traces to verify the diagnosis.

Biological consequences

Our immune and nervous system suffer considerable repercussions due to experience these emotions over time, in principle our neurotransmitters suffer from lack of activation, among them dopamine and serotonin, these are responsible for pleasant emotions and motivation, who if is activated constantly is cortisol, since it is the neurotransmitter of stress, consequently it ravages the immune system of the subject, and therefore the individual becomes so vulnerable to suffer certain diseases such as viruses, infections, even mental pathologies as in this the case of Russian parents, depression.

Social consequences

The father who is subjected to illegal processes by the social service, suffers feelings of inferiority, since their efforts are worth nothing, he has no answers regarding the custody or having his children again. He also suffers feelings of abandonment, no one in his social network has enough power to help him in his situation

The aforementioned is translated into a depressive picture, where many times the affected person minimizes his support network, lacks appetite, even stops attending his work, omits personal hygiene, is unable to sleep, his mood is predominantly in the unpleasant pole such as sadness, all this adds up and results in the feeling that his life is worthless at all and resorts to suicide.

Social service apart from devoting to destroy families, as I have always said, from my position as a professional, generates more havoc not only in the punctual family and the fact of separation illegally, but in the mental health of those affected, both children and parents and family suffer real and serious consequences, I have not yet known the first case where this body gives those affected, psychological care to restore the balance that counted the individual before submitting to this horror.

I wanted to thank you for your support, we are achieving our goal that is to bring food to street children constantly. Thank you all.

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