Tools to channel emotions when being in a trial, custody dispute and other actions of the CPS


In the previous publications talk a little about certain tools to apply when we have to face as parents, caregivers or companions to the fact that the social service separates a family, either temporarily or that is prolonged in time and without knowledge Exactly of that period, talk about what an adult should do to channel stress and worry, which should be done by significant figures with children, but this post aims to provide tools to relax anxiety levels.

Many times when people undergo this type of stress, among them the trial where they will discuss who will stay with the custody of our children, if any of their parents, family or social service, considering that the aforementioned do not they have the cognitive or economic capacity to take charge, the people involved have many repercussions on their mental health and they represent them behaviorally, that is, they stop sleeping, they stop eating, they can develop depressive symptoms, they have persecutory ideas (believe that someone continue), to have feelings of abandonment, to believe that anyone who approaches them wishes to do them wrong.

They are a multitude of physical, cognitive and emotional manifestations but, usually, we put them aside and only rely on having our son returned, despite the fact that in many opportunities these manifestations restrain us strength and resistance to continue enduring the illegal process carries out the social service, many parents feel exhausted to continue there and not even have the complete information of their file and less the certainty that they will return their children.

Considering the aforementioned, I will share with you some tools of relaxation of easy application to put them into practice whenever it is necessary, regardless of the environment where you are.

Focus a few minutes daily to try to minimize stress and worry, using relaxation exercises can promote sleep, have the ability to focus on something specific and above all, will give you more energy to be willing to go through the process with the CPS, in a more ideal way for your immune system.


Learn to breathe, to inhale slowly, filling the lungs until filling the stomach.
Just when you do the above, say "my body is full of calm"
Exhale slowly and repeat "my body is releasing tension
Repeat as many times as necessary, in a comfortable position

My apologies for the donation so small but, the rest was donated so that @marynes5 acquired security cameras for someone who needed it.

Thanks for your support

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