The consequences of growing up under social service, in Jesse's life part II


In my previous publication I shared with you the story of one of my friends, where she was abused by her host family and later by her husband, when the relationship ended after the divorce, she established different relationships where she has also been subjected to repetitive physical abuse, such as I said it in advance, if the social service did not take charge of having rigorous controls over who adopts a child, nor does it take care of the imbalances it generates in their psyche, much less have compassion later when this person touches him be a mother.

Here you can see the first part of this story

Currently Jesse is pregnant and under the eye of the hurricane also called social service because a few days ago her current partner hit her in the common area of ​​the apartment where they live, there was just the owner who rents the house and she was commissioned to help so that the boy would not keep hitting her and actually called the police, she was taken to the police station to declare what happened and if she wanted to press charges against the aggressor, she answered no, and strangely the police did nothing else, she had to go to the hospital to check the status of her pregnancy on her own.

Two days after making that publication telling what happened, the social service knocked on her door telling her that basically she does not have the conditions or tools to be a mother, they told her that she had already filed complaints to request restraining orders from her former partners. she also physically assaulted her (this is unfortunately true) and emotionally she is not able to stay in charge of her son at birth, so the social service agent told her that they would make periodic evaluations of her house and of her, subjecting her to constant psychological evaluation until the baby is born (there are only two months left) and thus make the decision of whether she can stay with him or not.

Indeed, upon receiving this visit, Jesse wept disconsolately, and is currently discarded, later the owner of the rented apartment told him that she needed him to move from there since the day her partner attacked her they had damaged several objects of the furniture and also the Boy made a considerable scandal in the common areas of the building, so he said he needed to vacate the apartment. In other words, Jesse is currently at risk of having the social service send her to a shelter and thus make it impossible to stay with her son.

She is a primary school teacher and because of her pregnancy she is not currently working, although she still receives her salary, she focuses on the purchase of clothes, milk, and diapers for her baby, as her partner steals her several times she has no savings to rent another apartment, where to stay while the process passes. So unfortunately the risk Jesse faces is considerably high.

The saddest thing of all is that the responsibility of her learning to look for partners that attack her is the responsibility of the social service, to live most of her childhood in a shelter, to undergo aggressions in there, and later to take her to a host family that also assaulted her and trampled on her self-esteem generated in her that strange concept that she has about love, where she tolerates aggression again and again. Really, as her friend worries me that one day they will tell me that she died as a result of a beating caused by her son's father, now I am tormented knowing that her baby can also grow under the clutches of social service because she does not have the economic possibility to rent a house and to pass a quiet pregnancy.

Who is responsible for the consequences generated in an infant having been a victim of social service, at some time this monster is concerned about the stability, safety and future of its victims. We all know that it is not true.

Thanks for reading and for your support, the rewards of this publication as well as the previous one will be donated to Jesse

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