The consequences of growing up under social service, in Jesse's life


Jesse is a relative of one of my closest friends that I also met at the shelter, but I met her many years later when I was able to be with my family again and return to school. She is 5 years older than me but a little sadder story, her mother was alcoholic and when she was born she had 6 more brothers, so she got rid of her leaving her in charge of social service, my friend was there since she was 3 years old of age and at that time, neither her mother nor her mother and her brothers were going to visit her, however she had to learn to defend herself in there, all of us who were there know that it is not easy, and even less when you are a woman, there is Other girls who want to send you to do things and even take away your food and abuse you.

So spent the childhood of Jesse but, just at 10 years old my friend's aunt adopted her (that's why I know her), her aunt also had serious psychological problems, was not a very stable person to say, but as always the Social service fails to conduct rigorous evaluations of who will take a child home to supposedly give a better quality of life, she also had other daughters to be specified 3 apart from Jesse, when she came to that family, she had to clean the house , washing clothes and cooking, she was too young to realize that this was not right and above all, she had not had the happiness of having a family either.

Jesse had to work from a very small position since her surrogate family did not give her money to go to school, so she took certain jobs helping the neighbors and they already know anything she could do and she did not need the authorization from that lady because the most probable thing is that she took away her money, as time went on, she continued to do all the homework, working and studying, the years went by and with that came adolescence, at that time she could have other jobs as assistant in a bakery, in an agency of celebrations and thus, she worked to be able to study and to buy everything what needed.

Her surrogate mother, apart from attacking her in that way, also beat her constantly, leaving her even bruises that she learned to disguise when going to school, because if they were seen they would surely send her back to the shelter and for her that was worse, since there They also beat her and she could not defend herself because she was tiny. So Jesse came to be 18 years old and a boy approached him, with this boy he maintained a relationship that his adoptive family always rejected, however, I imagine that out of desperation a year later he married her, with the passage of time this man she became the same as her surrogate mother, aggressive, yelling at her, disqualifying her and even stealing her money.

She managed to enter the university with a lot of effort, since since she started working she saved because her desire was that, to go to university, just her university colleagues were the ones who pushed her to end that harmful relationship even though for her it was totally normal , and in truth we do not blame her all her life she received aggressions and nobody taught her to love, a few months after submitting to manipulation and psychological aggressions by her ex-husband, she finally divorced. When she had said divorce resolution, she felt very lonely and began to drink uncontrollably she drank every weekend until she extended it to the working days, right there in those constant parties, she met another boy with whom she established a relationship.

This boy seemed to love her and a supposed genuine interest, but also with the passage of months began to have certain aggressive demonstrations, one day in the company of his adoptive sisters, he shouted because he did not give him more food, after this they had some Differences in his house and he threw a book with which he studied, a very heavy book, then they had another difference and this boy shouted and haloed his hair, taking it all over the room and then slapped him, right in that then the relationship takes as a pause, because it emphasized that she deserved those actions and apparently she believed it that way, this was repeated and then through her college classmates and I, insisted so she placed an order However, this man persecuted her everywhere he went, again and again, he was even in public places and had to leave because he wanted to go and hit her.

A couple of months later she started dating another guy she also met at parties and even confronted her former partner, they went out and shared like a normal couple, however two months later Jesse got pregnant with this man and they went to living together, during this time she lived a torment because the boy only went out every weekend and arrived three days later, she was practically alone and without company, and many times during that time to not be alone she stayed in my house . When she decided not to continue holding all that, she goes from there to live alone, although this does not have much future since the boy a month later looks for her and she agrees to be with him.

Five days ago they had a considerable discussion and he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her across the floor, and having her there kicked her legs, the landlord saw this and threw the boy, however Jesse was left with bruises and fortunately nothing happened to the baby, her pregnancy is completely normal but, she filed a demand to obtain a restraining order and the social service intervened, telling her that she will be under surveillance to verify if she is indeed a woman who can take charge of her baby, Jesse only needs a month to give birth, so the fear of having her baby taken away.

This causes me considerable sadness because when she was adopted the social service did not do her job properly to verify if indeed the woman who is currently her adoptive mother was able to take care of her, Jesse learned from an early age to submit Aggression is a way to love, that's why all your partners are violent. In other words, the way to correct this distorted learning is not precisely separating it from your baby and less generating high stress levels, this has serious repercussions on the fetus.

I imagine that the objectives of social service again is to generate in this little baby that has not yet been born a myriad of consequences because his purpose is to grow without his mother.Who takes charge of the consequences generated by the absurd social service, that's the big question

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