Manuel's life under social service


Manuel is currently 26 years old, however as a child he spent his time in the social service and this left him with sequels for his whole life, which have limited his development as a person. Even doing his daily routine also generates consequences for having undergone to certain treatments while I was in a social service shelter, this led to kidney failure, so there must be continuous treatment (dialysis) and the saddest thing is that often you do not have money to buy your medicines.

Manuel, is the only son of the marriage that his mother had, the first two years of his life developed normally, in company with his father and mother, as time passed several conflicts arose in his family, the fact of that the father wanted to leave the house and his mother were the detonators, right there began the ordeal for him, his father left the house and told his mother to take away the house, and then sell it, despite his son there, on one occasion Manuel and his mother went on vacation in company with his maternal family and when the house arrived he had other locks that they had not sent to change.

Since then his father took over the house and a few months later sold it, the mother went to court to make a trial and the lawyer told him that he had every right to sell the home since it had been an acquired asset Within the marriage, apparently no one cared that there was a child who lived there, just after she had to go live with her mother, that is, with Manuel's grandmother, a month later they started visiting the social service to see if she was able to provide support for the little one.

Although he continually made these visits asking absurd questions to his mother, they never checked where his father was, nor did they force him to provide him with support, after so much searching and searching for a flaw in his family dynamics the social service took Manuel from the side of his mother noting that he did not have the necessary mental balance to take care of him, and a lot of other things like the inability to control his health with trained personnel, the use of inappropriate drugs.

Manuel was removed from the side of his mother at age 5, right there they began to subject him to certain treatments that his mother does not know about, they gave him vaccines without asking his mother for authorization, and they also gave him treatments for supposed mental and somatic pathologies. the little one had, the last one subjected to this type of treatments around 5 years, all this is an approximate because during all that time the mother of manuel did not have total access to be able to evaluate her son, see him and make sure that he passed.

So those five years passed, Manuel under medical treatment for alleged pathologies that were never taught to his mother, at age 16 he begins to suffer some fatigue after doing usual tasks such as walking to school or climbing small stairs and it was difficult to breathe constantly, so at night it was difficult for him to sleep and this was accompanied by certain unexplained symptoms such as nausea vomiting or acute diarrheal syndromes, to shove these symptoms only used certain drugs easily accessible but not mninimizaban with the passage of On the contrary, they were persisten.

One day after leaving school he felt such severe abdominal pain was in the emergency room to receive medical attention, after being subjected to a series of physical exams, urine, neurological, gastricos and more, the doctors told him that he suffered from insufficiency kidney and most likely was due to the intake or consumption of drugs in a prolonged time that the kidney could not decompose. Since then Manuel must consume a series of medicines to be able to shovel his kidney failure, the truth is that he is so advanced that he needs a kidney transplant but, he does not have the purchasing power to do it, all his money revolves around the acquisition of these drugs, otherwise he would die.

His kidney is so damaged that he needs a transplant urgently, he was able to go to university and acquire a university degree, but he has not been able to exercise since dialysis generates many consequences in his body such as inflammation of the extremities, neusea, vomiting, extreme headaches, diarrhea.


At 22, Manuel had his first child with his current wife, a little boy who had a fever a few days ago so they went to the hospital to receive medical attention, days later the social service began to stalk the door of his family home, with the objective of verifying how is their family dynamics, to be honest, he has certain economic deficiencies due to his current pathology, but who is responsible for this. Because the children who are in custody of the social service are subjected to drug treatments without consulting their mothers and if they leave sequels, they wash their hands.

The rewards of this publication will be donated to Manuel and #familyprotection

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