what to do when social service knocks on your door - Psychological suggestions Part III


As you can see in the title, my latest publications have been aimed at providing psychological tools to know what to do in case of being a victim of social service, many of you have gone through this and sometimes do not know what to do when your child returns home (in case of having that happiness), or on the contrary the substitute families that if they wish to do their work or simply all of us have a little knowledge to share it with those who need it, taking into consideration that not everyone has access to this community.

We know that the most sensitive population to address are adolescents, due to the stage through which they pass, going through the most critical stage of development and that this comes accompanied by considerable stressors, the inability to determine what will be his future of his physical and psychological integrity, at this stage of his life, he must be thinking about what profession he will select for training.

In this case, due to being subjected to stress, the adolescent becomes vulnerable and is prone to seek affection in social networks that are not the most correct, simply because he feels protected or capable of doing something (having power), like many of you they suffered it or on the contrary shared stories of other people, adolescents who go through separation due to social service, going from one replacement family to another, numerous shelters, is prone to perform illicit behaviors such as the consumption of psychoactive substances, acts of vandalism or even worse, self-injurious behavior.

Hence, many adolescents in their stories just in this evolutionary stage consumed some kind of substance, escaped from shelters where the government had arranged, had risky sex and also perform illicit behavior such as theft. Considering these variables of your stage, I want you to acquire these tools, since they are useful.


Responsible listening: We must provide adolescents that we are truly respectful and we are attentive to the concerns that they communicate to us.

Transmit acceptance: Indistinctly that the way you express your stress, your concern for the situation is not appropriate, we should make you feel that we accept all of your manifestations and that we are there to accompany you, since this way you will have the closeness with us to continue communicating their concerns.

Atmosphere of trust and empathy: This in itself, gives us the possibility that the adolescent feels comfortable and therefore facilitates communication and closeness process.

Provide information: Like infants, adolescents should know what is happening, is part of their rights and in many opportunities provide information minimizes stress levels. This includes the fact that he will be taken to a shelter and the process by which they will be explained is explained.

Allow free expression: We must emphasize verbally, that we are there to help, listen and provide any tool that is within our possibilities.

Basic reactions

Intrusive Reactions: The traumatic experience returns to the memory, this may be the first time that the social service knocked on the door and the parents expressed their concern crying or hiding, they can present themselves as recurrent thoughts or disturbing images, also dream about it.

Avoidance and withdrawal reactions: These attitudes are used to stay away or protected from stress, including trying to avoid talking, thinking about the fact and this is very common in adolescents.

Physical excitement reactions: Corresponds to behavioral changes that individuals have and correspond to the response of the existence of danger, even if it is not true. For example, leave the house constantly to check if the police are nearby.

I hope it will be of great help to those who need it.

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