Pangea The Future Of Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nations! Join The Family Protection Nation On Pangea - Bitnation!


Governance is the processes of governing, whether it's undertaken by a government, a market or a NETWORK, whether over a FAMILY, TRIBE, formal or INFORMAL organization or territory and whether through the laws, norms, power or language of an ORGANISED SOCIETY.

A good friend of mine told me about Bitnation and it immediately caught my attention .

Bitnation is the world's first Decentralized Borderless Voluntary Nation (DBVN). Bitnation started in July 2014 and hosted the world’s first blockchain marriage, birth certificate, refugee emergency ID, World Citizenship, DBVN Constitution and more. The website proof-of-concept, including the blockchain ID and Public Notary, is used by tens of thousands of Bitnation Citizens and Embassies around the world. Bitnation is the winner of UNESCO’s Netexplo Award 2017, and has been featured by the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, BBC, CNN, WIRED, VICE, TechCrunch, The Economist, Russia Today among many others.

Enter Pangea!

The Internet of Sovereignty

Create Your Own Nations

On Pangea you can create your own Decentralised Border-less Voluntary Nation (DBVN). You can choose your own Code of Law and Decision Making Mechanism, you can also write a Constitution and provide Governance Services to Citizens.

Why Start Our Own Nation?

Well, Many of you already know the struggles we are having trying to find a country in Europe that accepts our decision to home-educate our children and that we have already started to broaden our horizons in an attempt to live the way we choose without fear of government interference. If you missed it then please take minute to read our latest post on this dilemma.

To me, this seems like the perfect solution to the ever growing problem of governments, who have clearly lost the plot and are getting way out of control with their statutes and fake "laws" that we don't actually have to consent to.

Wouldn’t it be great if we could create our own Decentralized Border-less Voluntary Nation's (DBVN)? Well, now we can, and the more people get on board, the quicker we can all start to be the controllers of our own destiny and determine laws that are reasonable to us and who ever else wants to join, this way we can all volunteer to abide by certain rules and laws that suit our beliefs and visions.

Why have one government that decides over millions of people when it would be much more productive to have smaller community based nations that govern and determine their own future.


Our Vision! Our Nation.

As most of you know I am the co-founder of @familyprotection where we are raising awareness about government funded agencies who have created an industry out of tearing loving families apart. If you've been following me for some time you will also know, that family is everything to me and that I will go to extreme lengths to protect my family at whatever cost.

If we stop the separation, we could build strong families that stick together threw thick and thin.

I believe that governments are masters at creating separation in families and in my eye's this all starts at birth when they prematurely cut the umbilical cord. Then they take your child to poke, prod and pump full of chemicals under bright lights. This can destroys the bond between mother and child that takes a long time to reverse, if at all possible.

The separation tactics continue all threw kindergarten to high school and then we have cps, family courts, prisons that are all set up to keep the viscous circle going and the money coming in. I used to think the system was broken, but now it's obvious to me that it's working just the way they want it. Maximum destruction = Maximum Profit, and we only have to look at the wars that go on to know that this is their policy, they go in, destroy a country and then get all the contracts to build it up again, sound familiar?

This is also true with borders, they create a false sense of separation between nations with their imaginary lines that just cause conflict and misery.


Vision Statement.

Ok! This is in it's infancy, but just like @familyprotection grew organically, so will our new nation that happens to be called Family Protection. This will be a virtual nation in the beginning but once we have found the right land or island then it will be a geographical nation too.

People who want to join our VIRTUAL Decentralised border-less Voluntary Nation.

Anyone is free to join as long as you believe that families are the most important thing on earth and that every step should be taken to keep families together and protected.

The Roll of a FP Citizen.

We will continue to fight for the rights of families all over the world that are being terrorised by cps by posting our stories and evidence on steemit, but with the FP nation we will have a real chance to build a true support network of people who are willing to come to the rescue of families in need.

The FP Map!

For FP citizens who are willing, we can create a map with general locations of people who can easily be contacted via the Family Protection secure chat (the most secure and private chat I have come across) which is already up and running. Again this will only be a small number in the beginning but I believe in time we will have a peace army who are ready and willing, with the knowledge and power to peacefully fend off any attack from cps or any other government agency who are hell bent on severing family ties.


How do I join?

It's so easy, go to the Bitnation website and download the Pangea jurisdiction app which requires no ID or terms and conditions and then join the Family Protection Nation, or any other Nation that takes your fancy, you can even start your own nation at the click of a button. If enough people join our nation then the government will have to accept and acknowledge us as a fully fledged Decentralised Border-less Voluntary Nation (DBVN). It cost pennies to join, so you will need fraction of an ether on your bitnation app wallet, I would suggest about $2 worth to be sure, and when you join the family protection nation or any other nation it will ask you to send 0 ether plus the gas price which in total is around $0.34, I do not receive any of this money.


Laws of The FP Nation.

The Law will be Common Law or Law of the land, which are as followed:

  • Thou shall not cause loss or harm to a fellow human-being.

These are the only laws that should exist on earth and I think most people can abide by these simply laws without even thinking about it.

Under the law we will have expectations, not rules, these are just to help our nation move in a similar direction.

Law Enforcement.

None! That's right, we will not have any law enforcement, enFORCEment is what has got this world in such a mess in the first place, if anybody in our nation causes anybody else loss or harm then they will be made to feel unwelcome and will hopefully leave of their own accord, again this is just my opinion and if this does become a nation I am open to suggestions.

The Chief.

We will have a Chief, He or She will make the decisions as to which direction the nation should move in, the Chief will have advisor’s to help Him/Her in the decision making but the Chief will absolutely have the final say. If for some reason the Chief completely loses the plot and starts making decisions that are not in the interest of the Nation, then He or She will be denounced within minutes, and a new Chief will be sworn in.

Who will be the Chief?

At the moment I will take that position as I am the only member of this nation, but once we become more established then I think it should be up to the Nation to decide who is Chief. The Chief will not receive any special pay or bonuses because this only leads to corruption. There is one thing the chief will get and that is lot's of respect.

There are no real commitments at this stage, you can join or leave whenever you please, becoming a member of a virtual nation does not mean you are leaving your current nation. There are many questions that I don't have all the answers to at this stage but when the rest of the world catches on then the answers will become clear to us all.

When I buy some land or an Island then we can move to phase two of this project which will be a geographical nation of families and family protectors, so stay tuned!

I know this will not solve all the problems in the world but it's a step in the right direction, and if we all start taking small steps in the opposite direction to governments who keep us down then we'll have a chance to realise true freedom sooner than you might think.


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