Healthy Boy Forced into Chemo by 'Medical' Tyranny, Taken by CPS from Mother Who Refused

The tyranny of the medical establishment showcases some egregious absurdity at times. It makes you wonder how the hell some of this bullshit can happen. Are people that dumb and blind to think what they do is "right" or "good"? Or are they just twisted and evil-intentioned to not care about the harm they are really doing, maybe even enjoying the control they dictate over other people's lives?

ABC7 reports on a case in Mineola, Long Island,where a mother named Candace Gundersen is fighting to remove her 13-year-old son, Nick Gundersen, from court-ordered chemotherapy at NYU Winthrop Hospital after he was given a clean bill of health.


At the origin of the story, in June 2018 Nick was diagnosed with leukemia by doctors at another hospital, Cohen Children's Medical Center. Candace wanted a second opinion before she would let Nick begin scheduled chemotherapy on June 30. Sounds reasonable right? Well, apparently not! This is another case of medical tyranny at the hands of power-mad ego-tripping doctors who don't case about the rights of an individual to choose treatment, or allow their parents decide what is best for them.

Instead of letting her get a second opinion, the crazy (or psychopathic) doctor threated her instead:

"They told me if I didn't consent to the treatment they would call CPS and have me removed and my son would have the treatment anyway. So I signed the consent."

If you don't do what they demand you let them do, they worm their way into legal fuckery to coerce you into doing it anyways. You can't just decide for yourself what you want, and certainly not when your making decisions on behalf of your child it seems. Because that's "child abuse" if you don't do what the "expert" doctors in "authority" dictate is "best" for the health of your child. As if they never make mistakes, and you can't even ask for a fucking second opinion! This infuriates me.

Now, Candace is a holistic wellness coach. Maybe that's why the doctor took such a nasty authoritative and controlling attitude towards her, thinking she was the crazy one for asking for a second opinion or some shit. But that's just a bias on their part, and they still have no right to deny a second opinion or alternative methods of treatment if the mother choses to do otherwise.

Nick was hospitalized for 30 days and began chemotherapy "treatment". But he suffered an adverse reaction to the chemo. candace describes his condition:

"He lost over 20 percent of his body weight. He developed typhlitis, which is a life-threatening bowel infection, he had fluid in both his lungs, he was bedridden. He stopped breathing on numerous occasions, he was on oxygen."

Sounds like that chemo is a real "life saver" huh? Obviously, Candace had good reason to want a second opinion, or even seek another treatment method. Nick was discharged on July 24 and had outpatient appointments until August 29 where doctors tried to admit him to the hospital again, but Candace refused this time. And as often happens, the doctors use their authority and power to abusive ends as they call another abusive agency -- the Child Procurement Agency -- to come medically kidnap Nick from his mother.

Another group of "authorities" showed up to enforce the corrupt abuse of power, police officers. On September 2, police and CPS showed up at her home at 3:30am of all hours to seize Nick and force him into the tyrannical "care" of doctors at the hospital.

After being transfered to NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola on September 11, doctors gave him a clean bill of health. The cancer was gone they said. But they then said Nick would need (get this) 3 years of chemo! This is apparently a "standard" of care. But given the poor health Nick was in as a result of chemo, Candace was right to refuse as far as I'm concerned. She wasnted to give Nick "non-toxic preventative treatments which keep the cancer in remission."

"I want him to have a long healthy life and I want him to have that opportunity. If he is forced to do this chemotherapy treatment for the next three years that's not what will happen. I feel we should be allowed to have choices especially when they're less toxic."

Even if she is wrong, doesn't she have the right to decide? I say yes. Nick didn't go to the hospital on October 15 for chemo treatment, and CPS called Candace to tell her he HAD to get chemo, or else...:

"They told me he needed to have chemotherapy and that I needed to provide documentation that he was getting chemotherapy and that if he's not getting chemotherapy, it's going to be a problem."

Four days later, CPS had "an emergency removal proceeding" to "legally" kidnap Nick again. Despite beign cancer free and having a clean bill of health, a doctor named Mark Weinblatt of NYU Winthrop testified *"that Nick was in imminent danger of death". What the hell? The shit these people pull! CPS was granted custody of Nick on October 26.

The hospital told ABC7 Eyewitness News:

"Our treatment of the child is based upon the highest standards of medical care and is a result of collaboration with the child's legal guardian, who directed that the child come to NYU Winthrop Hospital."

Nick told Eyewitness News how absurd the situation was, being stolen from his parents who aren't trying to kill him, as if he's in danger from them:

"They basically took me away from my parents and that's unnecessary because they're trying to help me and they're not trying to kill me. I think that they should focus on other families that actually need help and whose children lives are actually in dange."

Nick doesn't want chemo, since he doesn't have cancer. But his wishes and freedom of choice, nor his mothers, are being listened to. Because apparently, only doctors can know what's best... While Nick remains in CPS custody and forced to receive chemo, his mother Cnadace continues to fight to get him back in her care, and to fight for his health.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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