The Child Protective Services Take Away Children From Handicapped Women

Hello dear Steemians! I have already written in my posts about how unprotected people are in my country and also the countries of the former USSR. ( I live in Ukraine) When people turn to the state and try to get some help from it, they doom themselves to be victims of cold-blooded officials. The state hunts for the weak and defenseless trying to get a profit out of it. This is what happened in Natalia`s story. Natalia is a talented artist. She also has a prestigious profession: she graduated from the University of Economics and Entrepreneurship. But Natalia is handicapped and that is why the representatives of the state encroached on the most precious things in the life of every woman - her children. Now I will tell you about everything in details. 

This story took place in Russia a few years ago. When Natasha was 17, she injured her leg but she did not pay any attention to pain in the joint. She turned to the doctors when it was too late - a malignant tumor developed in the bone. It was lost a lot of precious time before the girl got to the Blokhin Cancer Center on the Kashirskoye highway. By that time, besides her sarcoma, she was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After nine courses of chemotherapy and several operations, the process was stopped. The doctors even started talking about recovery. 

At the request of doctors Natasha began to consult the patients of the cancer center as a psychologist. Soon there, in the oncological center, she was offered a regular job. Everything went fine until one day the mother of the girl needed an urgent operation. There was no enough money for it and Natalia  began to donate blood to earn at least a few rubles. After that her immune system was suppressed and as a result the prosthesis was infected. Later she had a few new operations and a complete replacement of the left femur.

Despite her illness, Natalia worked, led an active lifestyle, and finally met her love. The man proposed to her but the woman refused to register the marriage. She did not want to burden her loved one with her illness. Soon a miracle happened: after cancer, chemotherapy, a huge number of drugs, she got pregnant. The doctors advised her to abort the pregnancy. They said that the endoprosthesis would not withstand the load. However, the instinct of motherhood was stronger and Natalia gave birth to a healthy girl, who named Victoria. It was her life victory. But suddenly a misfortune happened. Natalia was infected with staphylococcus aureus in the maternity hospital. As a result, the endoprosthesis replacing her joint was infected too. She was operated again. It was the 20-th operation since the onset of the disease. At some point, the question arose about amputation. This involved a long stay in the hospital. Then, having been spurred by a sense of desperation, the woman decided to turn for help to the social services of her town Podolsk. But they responded briefly: in case of amputation, she will be declared incompetent, and after that the child protective services will take away her child. They did not offer any help - neither material nor moral. She was also refused in the help of a social worker. It was a big stress for Natalia. She immediately came to the oncological center. The woman explained that in case of amputation,  life without a child would lose its meaning for her. Doctors went to an incredible risk - did the incredible and installed a new endoprosthesis. Natasha thought that her life started again. 

But  a year later she gave birth to her second daughter. Natalia is a religious person and could not abort her child. The pregnancy was not easy - shortly before her second daughter`s birth, the father of her children met another woman. She was healthy and very wealthy. The birthday of Natalia`s second daughter coincided with her father`s wedding day with a local businesswoman. 

Natalia is totally alone now. She has nobody in this world except her little children and an old mother who is 82 years old. Natasha does not turn to social services anymore: she is afraid that the child protective services will take away her children. This thought became a nighmare for her. That is why 4 people-Natalia, her mother and two little children live in a dilapidated building of 17 square metres. The 82 -years-old woman sleeps on the floor. Natalia gets some help from friends and just not indifferent people from Podolsk. 

Natalia with her daughter

This story touched me a lot. I think Natalia is a very strong woman and she deserves respect not only from her countrymen but also from the state. It had to help that woman but what did it do? The social services began to threaten to take the children from Natalia. I find it ridiculous. The woman is handicapped and it is the duty of social services to take care of her. Natalia can`t sleep now because she constantly imagines how the guardianship service takes away her children. The woman paid a too high price for the birth of her kids and she loves them immensely. I just hope that one day this situation will change for the better for Natalia because she lives in  constant fear now.

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