First letter from the public "child service" system in Denmark

Before I had children I never really imagined that they would be of much interest for others than the parents and everyone who knows them, but then I began hearing so many stories. So many laws and rules.
The state has a huge interest in our children!
That was for me a quite scary thing to disvover. For what interest can the state have in our children?

my son Willow in our mobile home

Luckily so far I haven't had any problems. I have a feeling that Denmark is not one of the very worst places to live when it comes to freedom. In Italy, where his father is from homebirth is expensive and there are 12 obligatory vaccines! In Denmark I had a free assisted homebirth with no problems, and it was no problem to say no to other interventions either. And vaccines is a free choice.
Every single family gets child support too.

So I actually thought they were gonna leave us alone.
But now i got the first strange letter. Hopefully the last ;) haha.

Part of the letter In Danish:

It basically says, that because willow is not in kindergarten, I am obliged to let him be tested in his language. And if they find it necessary, we are obliged to let him receive stimulation.
This is according to the "dagtilbudslov" which means litterally the "day-offer-law".. an offer? Or a law? Aren't those two words quite opposite?
And if I don't fulfill the obligation, they will take away the child support.

So well.. I am gonna let them come and test his language. At an age of 3 willow already speaks Danish, Italian and a little bit of English. So i am not worried about his language skills!

But why are they?
Isn't it just the weirdest law..?

And they have to come to the home to do it.
My first thought is that it might be some hidden agenda to check out how everything is with the family, now that they can't do it through kindergarten. Or i guess i hope that.
That the state is actually caring about if children grow up in a safe environment, so they just want to be sure..

For what the fuck does it concern them if a 3 year old is speaking "proper" or not!?

I guess it all comes down to the citizens getting shaped to fit into the system. Become a good worker and tax payer. A good consumer. And at best not much else.

Or what do you think?

Anyone has experience raising free children in the Danish system?

I hope they are just gonna pass by the house where my address is, (but i don't live, because we are in portugal now, living in our van) and say "what a lovely child!" (Because he is!) And then not cause us more trouble. (Because having to drive 3000 km back to dk for this is a bit troublesome).

I could also say no to the money they give us. I guess they do want to follow the child they are investing in. And maybe they would care less then.
But let's see. The meeting is in june (managed to push it that far, it was supposed to be in February 😜)
So wish us luck!

And thank you for reading

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