The Action of Gratitude, The Protection of Innocence - Enjoy with Troy!



I remember when I was young back in the 1970's. We enjoyed riding our bikes with the banana seats and doing wheelies. Then we would have some special place to play with our friends. It may be at the park or a creek or a tree house or in an alley. We would get the garden hose and have fun getting wet, or get to ride on the back of a truck. We would even shoot water guns of BB guns. There were no seat belts or helmets, and less adult monitoring. But we had values and knew we had to be good. We realized there would be hell to pay if we disobeyed, and mom or dad found out. And we would attend school and church...and we'd even have a job making money.

There were good memories and great times back then... and for that I am grateful to have grown up in a carefree, simpler day.

Today, the world is much different. We have state - run schools that resemble prisons more than places of education. We have big brother Orwellian surveillance cameras everywhere. Instead of playing outside, children are addicted to their social media and cellphones. We have the decay of moral values. We have the belief that guns must be outlawed. We have broken homes and kids with psychological baggage and mistrust. We have the diminishing of parental rights, and the belief of 'It takes a village' to raise a child. And we have the CPS and child trafficking.

And our children are being conditioned to accept this as normal. What have we become, and what are we teaching our children? Could it be that...

Privacy is not to be valued
In - person relationships are not important and friends are easily disposable
Children need a village of people, in place of their parents
Don't fully trust your parents or God, as they are obsolete
Government and big brother are necessary, and we must submit in fear at all times.
Government socialistic handouts will be there, so you do not need to work.
Guns must be outlawed, as they kill people, instead of people killing people
Critical thinking or questioning authority is not acceptable behavior
It is acceptable to lie, cheat and steal
Purity, innocence and virginity is meant to be shattered instead of treasured

I ask, why have we allowed this messed up Orwellian agenda of evil to thrive? How does that show gratitude for how we were raised? Children are being kidnapped and trafficked, yet we value ignorance and apathy more than the innocence and safety of babies.

In an Orwellian world, the truth is hated and despised. Yet, children are being stalked, stolen and sold for profit into danger stranger. The governmental Child Protective Services (CPS) are incentivized with quotas and bonuses to break up homes and place children in foster care. They use manipulation, intimidation, outright lies and even the element of surprise to advance their agenda.

By separating family members, the CPS uses divide and conquer strategies to fulfill stealing each preyed victim.

Children placed in foster care become traumatized, as their innocence dies. Many kids experience violent hands and angry voices. These little ones are shuffled from home to home, to a runaway on the streets. It is a downward spiral that can lead to being sex trafficked, pedophilia, prison or even death. Sadly, judges and lawyers are compromised and bought off by the system. Too often, parents sink their life saving to save their child, only to find the courts are rigged.

It seems everything in this world goes back to money. Child trafficking brings in more cash than illegal drugs and guns combined. The money made off the heads of babies is more important than the welfare of their safety. Welcome to the Orwellian slaughter house baby farm, compliments of the government and your big brother stalking CPS.



And then there's the psychological baggage that accompanies these families for a lifetime. Nightmares replace dreams and angry hands and voices instead of hugs and kisses. In place of family outings, children face the darkness of a room, alone for protection. Trust is shattered and feelings of guilt, depression, anger, hurt, hopelessness, desperation, isolation and failure steal their futures.

The face of tomorrow is neither safe nor protected, and face a future of homelessness. The CPS has help turn us into a third world country, with their theft and profit making. And the state-run press-stitute media will never report this. We are fed junk news, stead of real journalism, and the silent war on families continues under the radar.

When I was a kid, I was taught right from wrong. I learned it was not right to steal. Yet, the CPS and our government has never learned that lesson. The hope of tomorrow is being stolen from under us, and most folks can't see it. Ignorance and apathy are not the answer. And frankly, I am scared for the future of our world... our little ones.

These children deserve a happy family childhood, free from homelessness, theft, violence, trafficking and hopelessness. They need our protection.

When we were children, we were protected and safe. We had freedom, family values and our faith. We have gratitude for the great childhood we had. It is time to put that gratitude into action, and protect these little ones so they may be safe and have childhoods. Together, we must step up to the plate in zero tolerance of baby theft and a global non-compliance to this Orwellian agenda of CPS and their filthy child trafficking.

Even one stolen child is one too many.

Do you share gratitude for your good childhood? Will you join us in protecting the family and safety of children? Will you make a difference in the future and faces of tomorrow?

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