I had a visit with my son

I had a visit with my son yesterday and although it was nice to see him it did not go well. Last time I was there the worker who was supervising the visits said that I did not ask my son "how he was doing" during the earlier visits knowing this to be false I pulled out my phone and was going to record the lie he was saying.
He attempted to take my phone and said "I did not authorize" before i cut him off saying I could record any conversation I am apart of.

So when I got there yesterday my worker and the visit supervisor had a meeting and they tried to tell me I cannot ask him infomation about how he was doing and that I cannot record anything. I told them that I can record ANY conversation I am apart of. I told them to look up the one party consent law. I told them I could publish their names and faces wether they like it or not. At some point they kept saying that I would not see my child if I record them. I told them they are discouraging me to use my rights and using my son as leverage. My worker agreed when I said this. I told him to get his boss and then it was me, my worker and his boss as the visit supervisor left the room. I told them out of everyone I asked the 3 of them were the only people who thought it wasn't ok to inquire to my son's well being. At some point yet again my visits were threatened to which I told them if that happened I would be there outside everyday with documents detailing the one party consent law and passing them to those that are dealing with them. I told them I would attempt to interview anyone who came out of the building and that I could record each one of their faces. I told them that almost all child prostitutes in Manitoba are wards of CFS when they are introduced to this lifestyle I told them that they are apart of that. I also mentioned that there is a literal satanist that investigates child abuse they dismissed this claim not as untrue but they just did not seem to care. They knew I was not going to buckle at this point and told me to have a good visit. This whole process took 30 to 45 minutes out of my visit.

After all that they brought my son in the room and we talked for most of the visit and he said that this is hard for him. He said "being in a fosterhome for a day was ok but almost a whole year was not". He mentioned missing his whole summer with his dad and I told to try and do positive thing to grow and build himself. I told him to read books and maybe work out as he seems to be getting skinnier. We played chess I won at the last second kinda by accident as what I thought was check turned out to be checkmate although for most of the round he was winning. This whole process seems to have taken its toll on him yet he is happy to see me and is happy to hear I have not given up my "war on CFS". He said he would like to be homeschooled by me and I told him if that did occure it would only be for a few years as having kid friends and playing and learning with them is very important for a child. As we were leaving my worker and the visit supervisor told me it was a good visit.

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