Disturbing facebook post of a treatment special needs wards of CFS

Someone shared a link to my facebook...


The post is fully copied as "This is proof of how evil and spiteful Canadian Child Protection workers/industry is. This is a living care facility in Winnipeg Manitoba where they use disabled children as guinea pigs to test their new pharmacutical drugs to make sure they work and are safe for public consumption. My friend story first started when she went to child protection to try to find special bedsheets for a mechanical hospital bed for her 14 year old son who had cerebral palsy. Well a few days later this horrible/evil social worker showed up at her doorstep. Welfare check on her disabled son, was the excuse this nasty worker used to get into her home. This monster social worker told my friend that she was overwhelmed because of her children and her special needs son. Told her she needed support. A stranger to come in and help. My friend laughed and said she didn't need help for the last 14 years, so she didn't need it now and told her to get out. A few days later this worker comes back with court papers and a bunch of cops and apprehend her son and 4 other children. They put her disabled son in this hallway to be used as a guinea pig for pharmacutical drug testing. We know this because she visited her son and the doctor left a clip board of all the meds they had her son on, and she snapped pictures of the paperwork. 3 of those drugs didn't exist yet. We searched for their names online. Anyways I go to Manitoba to visit her and support the family of Phoenix Sinclere at a protest. My friend shows me pictures of her sons face she took at supervised visits. Pictures of his repeated broken nose. The kid can't even walk or crawl. So how does he break his nose? Obvious abuse from yet another sick monster under the direction of human services. So I'm kinda freaking and want to see this place for myself. We drive to St Amant. I walk through the doors and there's no reception. No security. The entire first floor doesn't have a single worker on it. I walk down a huge hallway and there's an opening that looks down into a cafeteria. Two nurses are having coffee. I open a door and to my complete horror see 16 kids in a hallway and in front of a few tv's. One child was having an obvious seizure. Drool hanging from their mouths and feces gushing out their diapers. Totally being neglected. Not a staff member anywhere. I took these pictures. I then walked further down this hallway and discovered more children in rooms and side hallways. Behind corners abandoned and helpless. They all realize I'm there and start screaming and trying to come to me. It was like a horror movie I was in the middle of. But they just wanted attention and love from me I later found out. Because even though they are disabled they know the difference between love and neglect. Yes they have feelings. Taken from a loving home with two parents and siblings that loved him, to only be dumped in this hallway. THIS IS CANADA'S CHILD PROTECTION REALITY."

I will post screeshots of every picture posted

Here is a picture of many special needs children that seem to be left unattended...

Here it looks as if the special needs children are left to wander the hallways...

Here the children seem to be suffering as the grab their own face... They seem quite distressed.

St. Amant is where these kids are housed... I will dig further into this...

This is disgusting and sad to see. A mother has her child stolen from her. This stolen child has siblings that miss him. This child was being housed in what sounds like a terrible place to be. A few very disturbing parts of this post are...

"They put her disabled son in this hallway to be used as a guinea pig for pharmacutical drug testing. We know this because she visited her son and the doctor left a clip board of all the meds they had her son on, and she snapped pictures of the paperwork. 3 of those drugs didn't exist yet. We searched for their names online."
This is wrong on so many levels and if true may be criminal. To use kids as drug testing patients is terrible and without the consent of parents is evil.

"My friend shows me pictures of her sons face she took at supervised visits. Pictures of his repeated broken nose. The kid can't even walk or crawl. So how does he break his nose?"
This is awful imagine being this mother and seeing your helpless son that was stolen from you being treated like this. What would you do?

"I walk through the doors and there's no reception. No security. The entire first floor doesn't have a single worker on it. I walk down a huge hallway and there's an opening that looks down into a cafeteria. Two nurses are having coffee. I open a door and to my complete horror see 16 kids in a hallway and in front of a few tv's. One child was having an obvious seizure. Drool hanging from their mouths and feces gushing out their diapers. Totally being neglected. Not a staff member anywhere."
This is not safe the children are special needs some may be a danger to themselves or others.
Also this sounds like easy prey to pedophiles that would prey on these children. Many times it's the special needs children that become victims of these sick fucks.

How can people still think child and family services helps families?

What kind of people could work at this facility day after day without blowing the whistle?

Are the families of these children informed to the living conditions these kids are in?

How can workers think this is better then a family home?

I will dig deeper into this and post updates as I get more information...

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