CFS sent me a letter

I got a letter stating I cannot ask how my son is doing at our visits. These swine think that it is ok to steal my son on something that did not occur.
My son is being neglected and it is affecting him and yet CFS find my inquiry offensive. What kind of sick fucks can tell a parent not to ask how their kid is doing in care? This whole process has been quite damaging to my son and I. I have seen terrible things happen to kids in care as a youth and heard some equally terrible things since then.

CFS has in no way helped my son. Taking him out of my care has been the most damaging thing to ever occur in his life. How can these people go to work everyday damaging families and remain blind to the damage they do? How could my worker lie on the stand knowing that what she said was not true and that this would further tear apart a family?

These people that work in this field of work seem to be lacking the understanding to do this type of work.

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