Article about the cycle of stealing kids from young mothers

Here is an article about how the cycle of stealing babies from young mothers keeps keeps continuing to do damage to communities and society. Child and Family Services steals children from young mothers rather then helping them become great mothers.

The article states that teenage mothers are 11 percent more likely to have their kids taken from them. Yet many young mothers are wards of CFS and due to lack of guidance they aren't taught strong values. Even in foster homes young mothers have their babies stolen from them. This then damages them and leaves these young mothers with holes in the hearts. Young people face many challenges nowadays from proverty to self destructive propaganda yet little is done to counter these issues.

So what are they to do ?

The article is quoted as "Teens who give birth in care are 11 times more likely to have their babies taken by child protection services There is a well-known connection between teen pregnancy and child protection services. Girls who spend time in the care of child protection services have higher rates of teenage pregnancy, and teenage mothers are more likely to have their child taken into care.
Teenage mothers who give birth when they are in out-of-home care (e.g. foster care, kinship care) are also more likely to have their children taken into care.
Until recently, we didn't know how often this happens. It turns out, it is all too common.
In a recently published study in Pediatrics, my colleagues and I followed the children of 5,942 teenage mothers in Manitoba up to their second birthday to see how many were placed into care. We found that among teenage mothers who were themselves in care when they gave birth, 49 per cent of their children were placed into care before their second birthday, with 25 per cent being placed in care in their first week of life.
For teenage mothers who were not in care when they gave birth, 10 per cent of their children were placed in care before age two (2.5 per cent were placed in their first week of life)."

I understand that young mothers face many compications and it is a higher risk of harm to the children that they have but more must be done to teach them how to raise their children.
This is the one chance they get to make a serious change in their lifes and more must be done to combat the negative and self destructive propaganda which would affect their ability to be a great parent. Yet the machine known as Child and Family Services does little to understand the problems the children they steal face. They do more damage by robbing these children of the family connections they have.

We all need to do more to help instill good values into the youth. Workers need to understand they are guilty of damages families by simply stealing kids from parents.

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