Fighting Government Child Kidnappers in Court (FamilyProtection Series -- Anna's Family Story Part V)

Government-Operated Child Trafficking systems, falsely named "Child Protection Services," are abominable.

This is the sixth episode of TRUE EVENTS that my dear friend, Anna, is sharing in our Steemit #FamilyProtection Series.


{ Read earlier issues of the FamilyProtection Series Below: }

{ When Kidnapped Children Get Adopted -- Tammy's Story }
{ The Nightmare Before Christmas -- Anna's Story Part I }
{ Healing Families Destroyed by CPS -- Anna's Story Part II }
{ The Ministry of Children & Family DESTRUCTION -- Anna's Family Story Part III }
{ Police Brutality Breaks a Mother's Body & Shatters her Trust }


** Anna's story continues below.
** Names have been changed to protect both of our families from the very real risk of vindictive retaliation that faces anybody who reveals the dastardly deeds of these government-funded monster agents.


Anna's Family Story Part V ...

( ... in her own words ... )

Slow-Moving Family Court Keeps Families Apart

{ ... they made me send my husband away right before Christmas .... my 9-yr-old daughter had just been taken into foster care a week after Christmas ... my toddler and teenage son remained ... for a while ... }


The Ministry of Children & Family Development (MCFD) offices were closed for the holidays and I tried and tried but couldn't reach anybody.
Finally Social Worker, Richard Hardcock, returned my phone call and told me that I needed to apply for welfare.
I asked if there was a Court Date for my daughter's apprehension.
Richard insisted that I didn't have to be at court,
refused to tell me when it was, or where,
and averted my question by suddenly asking me,
"Does your daughter ever lay spread-eagle for your husband, displaying her private parts ....?"
Oh my God!?!
{ While grilling our neighbours and friends for anything to use against us, Richard Hardcock's twisted mind must have made this up from what I had shared with a neighbour over a cup of coffee; how my daughter had flopped around during the night and lay exposed, so my husband had quickly covered her up with a blanket and alerted me to the fact that she needed to start wearing pajama bottoms rather than the over-sized t-shirt that she was accustomed to. }

So off I went on the wild goose chase that Richard had sent me on to distract me from my inquiries about when court would be.
The Welfare Office told me that I was not eligible for welfare because we owned our home and I could not show proof of bills in my own name. To be eligible, I would have to abandon my home, my dog, our livestock and go to a battered women's shelter.
At the battered woman's shelter, I was told that I was not eligible to live there, because I owned my home, and because my supposed "abuser" was not living there.
Richard finally agreed to see me in the MCFD office at noon. Little Liam and I waited in the front hall for an hour. Finally at 1:00, the Social Worker ushered us into the visiting room.
"So," he said nonchalantly munching on a piece of fruit. "You refused welfare; refused the shelter ..."
"No, they said that I didn't qualify," I responded.
"How long have you known your husband was a pedophile?" he asked me. "You need to respond appropriately, Anna."
"I'll say whatever you want. Just let me see my daughter!"
The Social Worker then looked a Liam, and winked!
What possible secrets could this man think he shared with my toddler?!?
I quoted the Bible - "He who winks with his eye plots perversity."
This Social Worker had been a prison Chaplain, and my words had a profound effect on him. His face turned red, and he started pulling at his collar like it was too tight.
"You can leave!" he said
I got up gratefully --
"...but not Liam. You can leave without him."
"No way. Not happening ..." I said ... and I fled the office with Liam.
The next day the police showed up after dark and took Liam away.
(see this post for details: Police Brutality Breaks a Mother's Body & Shatters her Trust)

Liam was still nursing for comfort when he was taken from me.
Although the Social Worker had told me that I didn't need to be at Court, I had found out from the Welfare Office that Family Court was every Wednesday morning, so I showed up at Court that Wednesday.


RULE # 4
ALWAYS BE AT THE NEXT FAMILY COURT DATE, After Your Child is Taken into Custody.

You may purposely not be informed that you should attend this hearing.
If you do not attend, the Judge will see you as an unconcerned parent and it will be a mark against you.


As I waited, I heard case after case being called up --

"Director vs. Family Name."
The Ministry Lawyer had a standard phrase
-- "Parents have been contacted and are not present." --
Automatic 3-Month T.C.O. "Temporary Custody Order."

When my name was called, the lawyer said his standard phrase, and I stood up --

"I'm the mother, and I AM PRESENT."

The lawyer turned around in surprise.
"My baby was still nursing ..." I told the judge, and asked to be allowed to speak.
The Judge ordered that MCFD give me visits. Then I learned that it was a long process to go through the court system. A date was set, TO SET A DATE! My children were to stay in "care" in the meantime.
And mid-January my teenage son was picked up from school and put in Foster Care too!
3 months after the first Court Date, in a "Hearing by Affidavit", the reasons for apprehension were revealed ...
The Affidavit revealed that my older son was taken because he was "too much like his mother." That was the actual reason!! The judge ordered my older son be returned.
He then ruled there were no grounds for Liam's apprehension, but granted a "Supervision Order;" and ruled my daughter remain in "care" until a "Protection Hearing" could take place.
A date was set to return to set a date.

So after being been brutally assaulted by Police who seized my baby,
the Judge recognized that there was ZERO reason for his apprehension!!
And I had to wait 3 whole months for the court date to be told that!

On the way out of the courthouse, Richard was furious! We had a 3:00 visit scheduled. I planned to take Liam home from the visit.
"We'll see about that," Richard said. He got on the phone to the Foster Mom, to cancel the visit.

The Social Worker had no intention of obeying the Judge's Order.

But Richard couldn't reach the Foster Parent in time; so when I arrived at the MCFD office, my Liam was already waiting there.

I scooped Liam up and took him home with me.


When Liam was taken, he was not quite two. I wasn't allowed to see him on his birthday. When they took him, he was potty-trained and only wore a diaper at night. He was verbal and articulate for his age -- a happy boy full of smiles and sunshine.
When I got him back 3 months later, he had lost his vocabulary and didn't use the potty anymore. He would wake up in the night screaming. All he could say was ...
"Don't ... Cry ... Anymore ..."
Over and over ... and scream when his diaper was changed.
"*Why baby? Why are you screaming?" I asked through tears.
"Jenny (foster mom) made an owie in my bum," he sobbed.

I tried reporting this to the MCFD Team Leader. But he assured me that he would PROTECT HIS TEAM at ALL costs!!


to be continued ...

"Write it down! Don't let your story fade away unheard, unknown!"
(Anna's close friend, Hazel)


This account of TRUE events that took place 11 years ago and was written by my friend, Anna.
It is the sixth in a series that she and I will be sharing here on Steemit with the familyprotection tag. Please share this story with others, so that we can wake people up to the atrocities being committed in our so-called civilized societies. The mainstream media will rarely broach the subject. We must expose these stories to the light of day -- and stand up as a society to stop this abuse of families and children.


Follow @familyprotection on Steemit.
Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes
or place them for adoption.

Share your own story and use the tag #familyprotection


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