Feminist undermining Male's role.


The fact that many women see male chauvinism in this image reflects the reality in which, nowadays, we live in, it shows that they have a serious problem of internalized feminism. This fanaticism is very dangerous for humanity. They try to frivolize the fact that men also have their concerns and problems during a woman's pregnancy: from the need to work harder, to worry about the woman's care in that period, to get things ready for when the new child comes, etc. And that's not to mention that men also suffer physiologically from the effects of pregnancy, since the hormones emitted by female urine and exudation have physical effects on their partners, which can even lead to nausea, vomiting, weight gain, and many symptoms of pregnancy.

Both men and women, in a desired paternity, care and suffer for their child. Trying to give more importance to the latter just because she is a woman is a misandry sexism of terror. In a desired paternity, one cannot say that the mother loves the child more than the father or vice versa. Apart from the fact that it is impossible to measure love, and that being with one's children is also a decision, it just so happens that the love of both is different.

That there are parents who forget their children after they are born, there are. Like some women who forget them, they throw them away and even let them be eaten by rats. So this is not an objection.

That although unwanted, the child is ultimately wanted, it is possible, and applies to both the mother and the father.

There are many good fathers and mothers, single or in pairs. It's not up to the genitals to be a good father. Depends on having a brain and a heart.

No more underhand misandry. No more radical feminism

Young student of modern languages at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). I believe truth is the only path to success for our society. I have a long-term relationship with Philosophy, politics, and economy.

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