A helping hand for @familyprotection (Event announcement at bottom of page)

I think that it would be fair to say that it has been a very productive week, maybe even an understatement. As some of you will already be aware, I recently stumbled across the path of Ex-Policeman, John Wedger. After hearing about his decision to raise awareness about Police-Whistleblowers and the lack of protection they have, especially when it came to reporting child abuse.

In 2017, John had to take early retirement after suffering a breakdown that was a direct result of the police forces cover-up and consequent campaign to silence John Wedger.

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The reason for me echoing John's cause to begin this article, is because it made me realise that by taking myself out of the mainstream, I have cut myself off from some important pools of information. Facebook's river, that once nourished it's visitors, has dried up and the landscape is becoming baron. What's left are Gulags, filled with tired revolutionaries that have been marooned and cut off from the rest of their kind.

Still the world revolves in blissful ignorance to the details and the plates beneath its skin begin to move, changing the face of things to come. As mother nature makes minor adjustments to her frequencies, allowing her to communicate with what's left, we are all beginning to resonate as one.

While some choose to be ruthless and extend their own lifetime through Fabian sustainability and the elimination of any 'Useless Eaters', others have decided to take action against this.

Those who have chosen live, have begun to make the required adjustments and have re-tuned their senses.

As a consequence, we are being reunited with one another in a way we had forgotten existed.

Throughout my own time on Earth, I have been guided to the transmissions of many good people. They aren't hard to find and our distress signals are growing stronger by the day. It seems you no longer have to wear a tin-foil hat to pick up these kind of signals.
Nowadays, it would be more appropriate to suggest that you need a special helmet to block them out...
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A new hope...?

I am one of many and we march together towards a hopeful future. @familyprotection, with its battle hardened warriors. Lawful Rebellion and its honourable knights of the realm. UKColumn, with it valiant rear guard protecting our heritage. And now steemit, with its infinite source of purified sustenance to revitalise all that come to settle.

Only if you reach out for it.

Unfortunately the picture above is only a possibility and we are not amongst that crowd. It is something that we can achieve, but this will only be achieved once we are all on the same wavelength.

Returning to what I said at the beginning, I have had a more than productive week. Reaching out to folk is something I have always been able to do. One of my Dads favourite tales of my childhood(and I have heard this story a million times), was that he said you could stick me in a room with 20 kids I had never met and by the time he came back to pick me up, I had made friends with all of them. How sweet...

Over the last few days I have managed to connect with John Wedger, which will lead to me supporting his work and gaining valuable knowledge from him. I have also spoken to my daughters school in the hope of setting up a school account on steemit, which will hopefully supply safe haven for children to communicate online. But above both of these events I have also been guided into the path of what I now want to refer to as Noah and his Ark.

Meet Noah

OK, obviously this is not a biblical reincarnation and if it is, it is not my main concern. My biggest concern is the systemic child abuse that is rotting the earth down to mantle. It is the ultimate destruction of society and to ignore it any longer will only allow the darkness to suffocate our species. It appears the most horrid of souls has filled the chambers with like-minded fiends and together they have used their cunning to gain immunity from laws that were once infallible, due to their close association to nature.

To deny natures law and work against them, is something only Humans have been intelligent enough to knowingly encourage. Whether passively or actively, we have all allowed this abuse to exist. A part of the testimony given by Miss laFave, at the recent UK inquest into child abuse, should resonate with all of us. It is also one of the few things that will be achieved from this impersonation, so it is certainly worth mentioning.

Miss la Fave lost her son after he was groomed online by a violent and disturbed young man. After spending months getting inside of Breck's head and turning him against his Mother(The only person who was raising concerns at the time), Breck's murderer ordered a taxi to go pick up his victim and what followed has been well documented, so I will not go further.

I assume that this was not the initial reaction from Miss la Fave, but her time to evaluate what happened and study what could have made a difference has bestowed onto her a bittersweet piece of hindsight. This wisdom will no doubt help future victims from falling into these traps and it is the very reason I have approached my daughters school about steemit. If we pay respects to her sacrifice and listen to her words, then maybe the loss of her son will not be so painful.

(I paraphase respectfully) - Miss la Fave: "There was a point were Breck had seemingly broken contact with 'X' and we thought he was safe. He was still using the same media platforms but as far as we knew, the boys had created a new hub that X was not privy to. After Breck's death we found out that other parents were aware that their kids(Breck's friends) were back online with X. Also, when Breck got into the taxi at 7am in the morning, alone, he was seen by someone who was aware of the troubles we were having. In neither of these instances did any of the parents inform me, or anybody else, of what they knew. I found out too late that people in my own community were too apathetic to speak up and it cost my son his life"

Miss la Fave continues to say that we must learn how to recognise the dangers and more importantly, we must learn to act on them( A surprisingly humble request, considering what she is going through).

This is the testimony of Miss LaFave. If you have young children who use the internet, you need to find time to watch this.

I must apologise for drifting off into metaphors and other narratives, but it is very important for me to paint this whole picture before I reveal its meaning. I began this part of the story with the heading "Meet Noah" and I now intend to introduce him to you.

His name is John Smith and after our 2hr phone-call, earlier today, I have to say that I am more than impressed with what he has accomplished in the last 8 months. He is a man with a simplistic way of interpreting common law and supplies an undeniable reason for why we should be climbing aboard the Archive he has built.

John Smith, like many of us, has been sliced by Iustitia's blade one too many times. He has seen how the blade is switched to its blunted edged, when put against the throats of the rich and powerful. But 1% would only be a drop in the ocean. Even with this double edged deception, the blade has slain so many that the seas around every continent now turn red with the blood of the innocent. While those smooth of skin, wish to bath on hedonistic shores, John has been rebuilding the Ark for us all to sail away in. Our final destination is far from the jurisdiction of any Person who wishes to run our courts like abattoirs.

Before I open the door to the Ark, let me prepare you for who you will meet inside...

The Ark is here to protect you and your family.

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Yesterday I posted a story about Howard Lew Lewis. Howard is a much loved actor who stared in the Hollywood blockbuster, Robin Hood.
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Mr Lewis also appeared in one of my personal favourites, Black Adder.
Howard was one of those special actors who appeals to generation after generation. Even in his twilight years he managed to become a household name yet again, after becoming a regular on the, critically acclaimed, TV series,
'Maid Marion and her Merry Men'.
On the 27th December, 2017, Howard authorised a report to be published in the Scottish Mail on Sunday

Howard told the reporter:

"I want to go home. They just keep me here in my bed all day and they won't let me out. I want my money. I haven't had any for months and months. I just wish they would give it to Debbie"

After being diagnosed with the Dementia, Howard was placed into care and while at the mercy of his carers, Scotland's local authorities saw fit to seize his assets. Soon after this report was published, Howard Lew Lewis, passed away, aged 76. I will leave it to your own judgement, to decide whether Howard died by natural causes or not...(Not that Dementia is a natural disease, but for argument sake I will not follow that chem-trail right now).

But before you make a misinformed decision, you may want to read his daughter's heartbreaking plea for help that she posted on Facebook and other mainstream platforms

Much like the well documented cases that can be found with the confines of the @familyprotection library, those who try to speak out against the authorities and ask for help are usually the ones who lose more than they ever would have imagined...

It should go without saying, but I will not have it forgotten at this point in the story, that Deborah had already witnessed the Murder of her Father at the hands of the social services.

"Edinburgh council have abused my family for over 2 years and are desperate the information does not get out. They have killed my father and


in a bid to keep me quiet".

Please, I need help to raise funds for an independent postmortem as the council stole all we own, every penny that my father had, including disability benefits , and old age pension. Peoples relatives are being taken and dying before it is their time.
Please help get justice "
Deborah Milazzo.

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The report states:
"This is my son, normally a happy , well cared for and very much loved child . ripped away from me with not a shred of evidence to do so , all on allegations, presumption, assumption and lies stated by a social worker who had never met me or my son prior to removing him. I have not been allowed any contact with my beautiful boy since August 2017 and no reason to take him or keep us apart except for local authority fraud and theft of my fathers assets, after exposing the crimes my son was removed in a bid to keep me quiet . please sign this petition to help my son get home where he belongs".

A petition produced by James Mackie is also helping to raise awareness about this government sponsored abduction.

Part of the case stated within the petition states: “The system which governs the operation of child protection services in Scotland does not work” and that the Children’s Hearing System is, “flawed” and operates on the principle of, “ ‘risk to children’ as presented by the ‘professionals’ ” rather than on an evidential basis.

Here is a link to the petition you can sign, in support of Deborah's cause.

Time to enter John Smith's Ark...

All court proceeding are carried out withing the guidance of whichever legal system is upheld by that particular nation. Unlike any remedy you have heard before(even my beloved Article61), this lawful tactic goes back to the very core of self governance.

  • You are not a person but a living Man/Woman, no?

  • You have been born equal to every other, have you not?

  • Would you agree that we are born with the right to peace, safety and health?

  • A man who travels to a foreign land and does not speak the native tongue, can still understand that he is not permitted to kill or cause harm in anyway towards another human being. Is this not our international common law?

  • To protect yourselves from having your identity hidden by the Family Courts, would you like to register you and your Child on a Common Law database?

John Smith has no intention of playing the part of Noah. Ask him for help once and he will make you feel like you have won the lottery. Ask him for help twice and I imagine he would again show you a guiding hand. To be honest I think John would keep on helping no matter how many times you asked him. Although, I am pretty sure he would also tell you exactly what he told me.

As we spoke on the phone, about the various ways he is confronting the authorities. I assumed that it was John, himself, who would be representing folk in order to protect our natural rights and I also asked if his Ark was only able to help people who live within Commonwealth(As is the case with Lawful Rebellion).
John did not hesitate to correct me on these very important issue and I feel that what he said need's to be repeated, if I am to promote this cause to you.

(I paraphrase) John Smith: "Common Law is a representation of your natural rights as a human being, Man or Woman. I am currently receiving phone-calls from people all over the world asking if they can register their names within this common law registry I have created. And of coarse they can! This is just about you taking back your rights as a human being and nothing else.
When you enter the court, you will now be supplying them with your
This will be a document that has the authority of common law and will be administrated to you from one of the 3 common law courts that have been set up in the UK. It will have an official court stamp on it and I have used this document in court myself. The site is there for everyone to register themselves and their property on, it is like an international, community, ledger. It is not mine or anybody else's duty to supply you with extra assistance as it is all there on the web site. It's common law and as it suggests, it just requires you to use your common sense of right and wrong"

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As well as a having a place to register your most precious belongings, John's Ark also host its own daily news broadcasts. Due to the raised awareness around child abuse and its obvious links to the government, John has decided to produce a series of videos, called 'Baby Britney'. They tell the fictitious story of a child being taken into care, under forced adoption.
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Before our conversation ended, John informed me that he intended to try to organise an event where he would be able to give a talk to various communities around the UK . The event would help highlight the registration of these common law courts and ability for people to add their names to the common law registry for free.

As I live in the center of the country and John had stated he had many people willing to travel to hear his advice, it seemed the obvious thing to suggest that he held the Event in Nottingham, more precisely in my home town!

"If you can get the venue then I will be there"

The cogs are most definitely turning and I am looking for speakers to talk at this event. @markwhittam, I would be honoured if you would be able to travel to Nottingham and speak at this event on behalf of @familyprotection. I have contacted Deborah Milazzo but have yet to receive a reply. I intend to speak to, Ex-policeman, John Wedger about speaking at the event also.

Please stay tuned for further up-dates





Oh yeah, just one more point to make before I go.

This was how the BBC reported on the Howard Lew Lewis case.
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Think about that, the next time you receive your BBC license reminder.

To donate to Deborah directly, go to this link

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