100 Days of gratitude day 16

Today I’m grateful for independent children. They tend to choose interests and activities irrespective of whether their parents are interested in that thing or not and sometimes they are interested in things we would never even consider if it was not for our kids.

I love ballet, my girls are both dancers and I enjoy their performances. I also love professional ballet performances and theatre and would attend whenever I can.

What I do not like is the sport football. Not my interest at all, but here is one of my daughters on the school football team. No she did not take after me with this one and she does not need to.

I managed to sit through half of this game - give me a break it was over an hour which is a lot for something I find absolutely boring.... Small steps :)

Now I also appreciate what my husband endures through all the ballet concerts that he probably dislikes as much as I dislike football games.

Our children teach us a lot and the big reminder in this is it’s not about us and our interests it’s about them.

Love to all the parents sitting there watching kids sports, activities, interests, for the sake of the child whether they have an interest in that thing or not.

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