Introductory post - out of the corporate world into another!

Hi everyone.
I am really unsure on how to get started on this platform, but felt that this would be a great way of documenting the change from being really involved in the corporate world, to making the change soooooo many people speak of wanting to do....getting away from it all.


We are now no longer salary earning workers, but now have a small farm/plot in the Western Cape of Southern Africa, and will be trying our hand at the old lifestyle, the simple life, the farmers life.

The more I have told people what we are doing, the more people have been open about wanting to do something similar. Actually it almost seemed like most people wanted almost anything else than the craziness of the corporate world. Most are chewed up, used up, tired, still just above the breadline, lonely and just plain sad with the way their lives had turned out.
I suppose we felt the same way. The corporate beast is not a friendly one! Its a 'dog eat dog' world they say.
So the wife worked in a large engineering company in the financial department, and I was running IT operations at Avis Rent a car. Both were really demanding and typical corporate jobs, and we were moving in the 'right' direction it least in the eyes of the western world.
I can honestly say however that we at times felt a lot of the above feelings, even in a good happy home environment....which by the way was a lot of the time our saving grace!!
And lets be honest, it is very rarely the job, or work that draws these things from you, but that one or 2 people that you deal know the guy/girl....the one that will use you as a stepping stone to get ahead, that will leave a trail of bodies in order to get ahead, the ones that seem built for that world of politics and maneuvering....that one!

So after all the talk around tables of making a change, starting something the family can really be part of, something that will allow us to see our kids when we want or need to, and still support them financially (without wanting to ride the handout train), we decided to buy a farm!! Why not!! It ticks all the boxes doesn't it? Its a difficult life, but it sounds like a fulfilling one, and its possible to do and needed in South Africa.
So after discussing how to get around the safety aspect of living on a farm in SA, we bought a plot in the Western Cape with our parents, and started the real planning.
This was actually the fun part, learning what was needed to run a farm, what is needed in the market, the costs involved, the machinery required etc etc. The information age is amazing for learning what you need to!
In future posts we would like to go into details of this information and why a plot, why the Western Cape, and why vegetables(this is what we decided to grow).

Leaving work was easier than I thought. The anxiety of not having an income was the largest concern, but with the savings, and moving to the plot without debt, we should be able to make it work. Since then I've realized that money doesn't go as far as you planned. But the beauty of this all is we're committed, we're here, and so far the ride has been fantastic! Its been 3 weeks, and now have plowed, created water systems and more (will discuss another time).
We've been learning daily! There is always some work to do, and its for you and the family (and even community). Small communities are amazing! They are friendly and helpful. We refer to names of people and not places (go ask Japie for a pipe at the shop on the corner, not go to builders warehouse).

We're a far way from having made it!! We haven't even planted anything yet, but we're away from that world, we're giving it our all to make it work, and we're happy!
So this is the start to our story....we have tons of information on what has already transpired. Hopefully we can connect with other like-minded people, share stories, insights, suggestions, give motivation....or whatever.

Maybe we'll make it, maybe we wont. BUT we will have tried to change our story. And from our discussions with people around us, this is a story that many people share, and most also want to change. If this can help you with your journey, then writing this was the right thing to do.

Looking forward to connecting!
The not-really-yet boertjies

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