The Other Daddy

I haven't figured out if  I want to be their Dad.  See......I started dating Zoie about 4 years ago.  She came with two amazing kids.  Vegah is the creative 4 yo, when we first met, and Copeland was the badass version of how I saw myself as a 2 yo.  Great kids!  When I met them, they had barely seen their dad in 2 years.  They call me their Curtie, he insists they call him Daddy.  

  Zoie left Daddy, because of abuse, epic drug use, public toxic breakdowns in the work place, and threats against his own children.  He would take his own child from daycare while on a cocaine binge, and show up to his own workplace........and literally got the mother of his children fired because she was starting a new position as a promotion at a fancy software company.  She left her first day in that position to retrieve her daughter from a nutjob, who was geeked out on coke at his own job.  He somehow managed to keep that job.  

Fast Forward and we meet and we start gelling as a family immediately, and as her job starts asking her to work weekends......I became The Curtie.  As the years have gone by, they started calling me Daddy in front of other parents, and all their friends.  So almost 3.5 years after abandoning his kids, Daddy resurfaces, from random Sunday phone calls, of the kids ignoring him, to court papers.  Daddy filed and received court ordered visitation through our state..............a stranger with a quick tongue and sharp smile; sweet talked our Southern Judge by playing the hurt dad. 

So..........Curtie.......maybe there is another side to Daddy's story........Bitches be crazy!  Well .....bitches do be crazy, but Zoie worked closely with law enforcement at her software company job and filmed and recorded many instances of Abuse.  I've seen the proof.  She is a way better person than me.....Daddy should be in a pine box, or in the bottom of a lake.  She left the Midwest, and came south.....she even offered him a fresh start with him.....all for her kids.  

The reason Daddy has come back for visitation, is bc of a woman.  She ended up being The Other Woman.  He told a story of abandonment, taking away of his only son, among other tall tales.  Their relationship is based on all these lies.  I believe we should destroy the relationship, therefore the man, and therefore his want to force a visitation the kids hate.  They even tried to keep the kids from talking to us  when they visit.   

Zoie and I just had our first child together.  Daddy currently has 7 kids by 3 different women in two different states and his wife controls everything.  Copeland has been up there for 7 weeks....of those weeks .....5 weeks he was put in Daycare, his Grandmother and Aunts have offered to watch him, family bonding, they all communicate with Zoie....she has okayed every instance.....normal people no issues...Daddy's wife has decided that daycare is the better option. The judge says this visitation should be beneficial.  Did i mention he took a loan out from his father last summer to pay for the Daycare.  

The day before Fathers Day the kids call to say they were ready to come home.  I was at work, when they said they wanted to "give themselves back home as Curties gift".  Daddy ended the phone call.  I pick them up next weekend.  Zoie cannot stay in a car very long, because she has a C Section.....she wants me to go pick them up alone.  Christmas visit, Daddy was 4 hours late dropping them off on new years day, He told us an hour and half into our wait that he was late.......not dead.  I don't think I can meet him alone. 

If Daddy showed up late........would i get away with pounding him into the Cracker Barrel parking lot.  I'm starting to think that Curtie is better than a Daddy.  I don't want to be called a Daddy by them.......but i don't want to confuse my own child.  Am I a Curtie or a Daddy?  Can I be both?  Should I fight this visitation?

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