Another Set of Appointments at Seattle Children's...


The appointments

Yesterday's visit included appointments with an audiologist, an orthopedic surgeon, and an orthotist.


Audiologist appointment didn't go well because she did not like the earbud/probes in her ears, so the full range of testing couldn't be competed. So we've been tasked with getting her acclimated to earbuds so we can repeat in the future. We don't expect any hearing issues, but with the nerve damage from spina bifida and/or the pressure issues with hydrocephalus and chiari malformation, as well as the low muscle tone she has, there's no guarantee...but as her parents, we haven't seen any signs: she responds, she talks (despite weak vocal cord movement, called paresis), she occasionally even cries, though most around us don't always believe that since she is usually a very happy little girl.

Orthopedic surgeon

The orthopedic surgeon was a follow up to last weeks clubfoot casting. The cast was supposed to stay on until yesterday, but we found it had slipped, so we removed it, and fortunately we did it when we did, because she was developing a pressure sore, which she's been prone to (and the reason why we're still dealing with finishing her clubfoot treatment--we would have otherwise been done almost a year ago!).

The orthopedic surgeon thinks we may have to use the boots and bars and AFOs to keep her feet from relapsing until her skin toughens up enough to tolerate a 6 week cast and then do a surgical procedure called posterior release. But...because that may take some time, we'll be visiting a doctor at Shiner's Hospital in Spokane to get other ideas to possibly help this along.

Interestingly enough, it appears she's gained some feeling in her legs. They say they've seen before with clubfoot treatment, but she was definitely feeling things when we decided to take off the slipped cast Saturday...she almost immediately went from acting just ok with some whininess to the happy, bubbly little girl we know. It's a very positive sign.

The orthotist

The orthotist was casting her for fitting new AFOs (ankle-foot orthotics). This will give support to her weak legs so we can begin working on standing in PT and OT. Her feet don't yet have enough dorsiflexion (foot flexing up towards shin) to walk, but she does now for standing.

The picture...

And the picture, well, this was after leaving the audiologist appointment...playing peekaboo in the mirror with mommy.

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