Facing the death of a loved one

My grandmother is quiet, reserved and sometimes out of nowhere will come at you with a comeback that would knock you on your ass. She used to do beautiful cross stitches that could take years to realize. She's a lady, she loves her dresses and her bling. Her heart is warm and her face is sweet. I love my gramma. Everyone does.

Death doesn't care about trifle things. It always comes, even though it's not welcome. It will shatter your heart and change your life. But it can't take our feelings or memories.

All the time I spent with her at the lake is real, it happened. The conversations we had and the moments we exchanged will always be in my heart and memories. Nothing can take that. My grandma loves me, that will never change.

So I will cry, because I know the time is coming when we won't be able to create new memories. Her smile and character will never be forgotten, even though I won't enjoy it for much longer.

Accept the hole in your heart that your loved one has left, for if it was not for the pain, are we truly alive?

I love you grandma.


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