Sleep, snow and fries...what more does a girl want?

Let me first tell you that my day started today at 11.30. What?? yes you read right ... 11.30. And before you think I drank too much alcohol the night before and could not get out of my bed, you're wrong. It's called motherhood ...

The last few weeks our oldest son is next to my bed at half past five saying mom ... I have to pee REALLY? Thanks for sharing ...that is really worthy interrupting my sleep son. And after saying that, there are usually another 101 questions to be answered. So the youngest usually wake up because of this and immediately start his mantra; mom, can I have candy? No? Can I have ice cream? no? Than I want chocolate cookies, that's not candy right? And that is how my day started the past few weeks.

Anyway ... that and a lot of other things that happened last week made me really need my sleep. Luckily, my husband took the kids downstairs when they woke up, so I could sleep in 'a little'. When I woke up and saw it was already 11:30, I jumped up and went downstairs to my men. In the meantime I had already noticed that it was heavily snowing! I love it!

The garden white with snow

The boys excited to go outside

We didn't want to waste time so we got dressed and went outside. What a different world it is when there is snow. So quiet and serene. For the youngest it was the first time that he consciously experienced it and he really liked it (so great that the snow really had to be eaten).

snowball fight


the boys and @eqko


We decided to walk to Grandpa because he would probably sit alone all day because of the snow. It was super cozy.
Then we made a snowman in front of the house. The eldest thought he looked like grandpa. When I messaged it to my father, he said; he is right though!



When we came home I wanted to make lasagne. Which is very difficult if someone (I do not mention names) forgot to buy the lasagna. How annoying! (NOT!) Then it became fries. Sleep, snow and fries...what more does a girl want?
A lovely, relaxing family Sunday ... it make me feel blessed!

Thank you for reading!

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