¿Did you know that children are not lost on the street?

I heard a long time ago someone say: Children who get lost in the street before were lost in your home

I remember these words left traces in my heart when I saw so many young people lost in the street and think that there was only one culprit and it was no less who loved them the most (their parents)
It is true that as imperfect beings we are wrong, then, parents are not perfect.
These words have made me reflect over time, as a mother I understood that we have a great responsibility to care for our children, educate them and instruct them.
¿Then I came to think: What should parents do to correct this situation? What got out of hand that we could not correct in time?

I firmly believe in the values and instructions that we can give our children in the first years of life, I have the conviction that to base our orientation at home through what the Word of God establishes is an act of wisdom.
Sometimes we parents make determinations in our children according to what we have received without taking into account that there are Biblical principles that can help us have better children.
A long time ago I understood that the world we live in today is a world convulsed by different situations, I understood that we are in a new and different time where the family division or new family forms are exalted where the list of values and the moral concept has gone changing drastically converting current youth into totally disinterested people in the mutual care of the planet.
Young people do not currently call attention to being courteous or friendly, it does not matter the prudence that foolishness.For his behavior is distracted and absent.

and we ask ourselves when our children changed, when did their care and orientation get out of hand? - It is true that today there are many factors that influence the care and guidance of our children, because the world today is invaded by orientations Secular and environmental technologies that get out of hand However when our children begin to show undesirable street behavior it is because they have already started practicing in homes and most parents have not realized that they are not friends even though they influence their changes, but they are the things that we have lost in their orientation and they started looking for orientations on the internet among other things.

It is indisputable that we lose our children at home, little by little without realizing it. For this reason, we must take care of our children to orient them and plant good principles without losing the north of the reality we live.

(Maria Montessori) in this regard declared "sow good ideas in children, although today they do not understand them the future will be in charge of making them flouris".
The upbringing of children is very serious and very responsible. If we want to have happy children and full of love turned into strong and strong adults we must be careful to guide them and not let their guidance get out of hand.
The stay of the parents in the home is of great importance for the first years of their upbringing.
Mom and Dad play an important role in the behavior of their children. Obviously a home with that absent father, with that mother always busy, with a pile of unmet needs and unmanaged frustrations will undoubtedly generate in children a childhood of detachment and a love that never knew how to educate, guide and help.

It is also important to emphasize that there will always be exceptions, because it is obvious that we will always find children with maladaptive behaviors who have grown up in homes where there is harmony and responsible adolescents who have managed to mark a distance from a dysfunctional family.
It is also important to say that we are all active agents in the education of our children but parents have the greatest responsibility, because it is the family that will make the concept of respect, the root of self-esteem, the moral , values and empathy.

It is worth saying that if the principles have been well inculcated in the home, it will be very difficult for there to be a behavioral deviation, which results in a wrong path.

Definitely the children, it is the most important legacy of our future.
Parents are called not to lower their arms to fight for the future of our children.
Remembering that it is not on the street that our children are lost first but in our own home. What you sow at home to your children you will surely reap.


As the formation parents and responsible for the greatest treasure we have (the children) it is our duty to provide them with the greatest training that allows them to cultivate and not break the toxic temptations they may receive outside the home.

When you do not teach values to your children you are not interested in their tasks, you do not tell them that you love them, you do not correct them in time, you do not teach them to respect, you do not teach by example and they are aware of everything you do while losing your children inside the house.

the Bible there is a very important advice for parents.
Proverbs 22: 6
Train the child in his way,
And even when he is old he will not turn away from hmi


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