We are family, I got my brothers and sisters with me. My ARTISTS, REVOLUTIONARY, OFF GRID ANARCHISTS Steemians - a list of amazing beings that you need to MEET!

I am so grateful to have met @markwhittam 4 months ago and hear him speaking about Steemit.

Since I heard it first time, I just felt this calling that I am gonna join! I felt it strongly. It was not a mental thing, rather a strong intuition. And here I am. One of us, the new people from the Boat. We are here in the beginning and we are NOW the 1%.

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I joined in on a Full Moon. That's why I choose the name @purplemoon. And since then, I know at least 6 persons that extra joined! We live in small town, a couple of thousands of people. But we are together into this. And we called each other and we help each other.

@markwhittam is an incredible person! Not only in the virtual world, but especially in the real life!

I have the great pleasure to meet him and our children play together like sisters :) If there is somebody here who doesn't know him, well HE LOVES STEEMIT! He absolutely loves it. And he loves people! And he wants us all there! He wants to help us all get into the boat. Because he knows this is THE GOOD WAY! He is incredible kind, direct and modest! Taking care of all of us! Helping us whenever we need to. Giving us advices. And lifting us up. He is just our role model and we trust him so much. Not because he says so and not because who he is. But rather just because we feel we want to be in the same train with this amazing person! He is indeed an example of Success! But he doesn't say it make like me! He just tells us to be unique each of us in our way! He help us to find our selves!

@thetinyhouse is his new blog where he shares with the world his life with the family.

From outside it might seem a dream. But in reality, his life (and our lives) are million times better then on the Virtual World.

He also created together with @canadian-coconut the @familyprotection account whose help into this world is beyond words!

I am sure that everybody knows them already, but for those who don't well, these people are opening our eyes of the abuses of the system and the new "legal" way to kidnap children. Such a delicate and intense subject but a must to discuss about because we can not live in the ignorance! So thank you so much!


Since I got here, I must say I fell in love with @ozhiya. I just love everything that she does.

She is a great artist painter and photographer and such a good heart. One of my first posts were about our Free School. She kindly send me 5SBD to do whatever I want to do with them. Well, that unconditional giving meant so much to me, that I just felt her warmth presence all over the platform. I just love @ozhiya so much without even knowing her! It is just love at first sight with this account! :)

Another GREAT account I have found is @gardenofeden If somebody doesn't know their utopical community that they are creating, check them out!

They are living our dream. A dream of the New Wonderful World. And they show through every post that it is not an utopia, it is a the Reality if we make it to be like this!

From @schoonercreek i got so amazing Dying ideas!!!

Since I found her, I keep on collecting Onion Peels and have this visions what to do with my Avocado peels. She is so creative and inspiring and I hope one day to be holding virtual workshops for us over here! I hope she will be so famous one day to have 100 new followers a day!

@mountainjewel is such a balanced Ying Yang account also made by a man and a women.

So it is very equilibrated into its energy and writing. It is just WHOLE and never writes something that made me bored. They post constantly about their alternative life style

@vvanamaria ! Oh, man! She will be one day one of the most popular people on Steemit! I am telling you!

she is so GOOD in writing and making her way! Steemit is in her blood and I can assure you. Now she has only 50 followers or something because she just joined 10 days ago. But in one month she will have 500 because SHE is GOOD! Highly intelligent spiritual practical aware and KIND being! You don't know her??? @vvanamaria click it NOW!


@steemama is so promising! Single mum of 2 living on the mountains having a inner force equal to a whole CITY!

She created a Free School here when her kid needed one. She makes her own leather boots and teaches others to do it also! She wants to help people and she is teaching people skills! She is such an example for all of us! She doesn't tell you what to do, but shows her that EVERYTHING is possible if you want it

@trucklife-family is such a kind and dedicated woman! She really loves to speak about Birth, our Rights as a Woman, Parenting and she is living in A Paradise.

So whatever she writes is not invented by her own mind. She just speaks her truth. If you haven't fallowed her yet, she has this great weekly Newbies Recommendations! She hasn't forgotten where she started from and ALWAYS gives a hand to the new ones to bring them higher

@blacksheepblog is such an organized and concise guy that is kind of Walking Steemit Wikipedia! :)

If you have ANY QUESTIONS of anything, just browse through his blog and all the answers are there! If they are not there, ask him because HE KNOWS!

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@shivvi is a newbie writing from her own heart without looking at what others expect her to write.

She is just flowing with the writing and she loves so much to do it. Her writing style is autobiographic and the words go just like a poetry. They don't stop. Her blog is like a River. Keeps on flowing and flowing. If you like friends that have their heart and soul open, she is the one!

@phytosophia is our mama of Herbs! Are you in pain? Do you have any questions about the Plants? She is your Woman!

She knows them all! She is the modern witch. She studied in University for lots of years the plants. She didn't just do a random weekend course and thinks she is an expert! She is a good one to be friends with if you like to learn something new everyday!

@eftnow account is made by a healer.

So it has a spiritual tendency for the ones of you who are interested into the soul journey! Recommended it! Lots of learn from it also.


@as-i-see-it is my first friend! first person that gave me a vote and a comment!

So I will never forget him. And I want to take him on the same boat with me! :)

@dbroze is the most intelligent anarchist from over here that I found. From far away!

If you are the kind of intellectual person that likes long philosophical articles, well his are such a pleasure to read! I love his writing so much from all of them and I must say that on a intellectual level, I admire what he is doing. A pleasure to browse through his mind :)

I also like so much the alternative mums @squishysquid @crosheille whom i feel so connected with because we share the same values of how we see the world and how we raise our children and the two accounts @enjoywithtroy and @erh.germany for their honesty and openness.

Last, but not least @eco-alex is dreaming to make a better world so he made the @ecotrain to showing the world an example that there is another way!

He does so much for this network bringing together new alternative people and making a virtual green community. He is a manifester generator and not only that he lives in the dream world, he makes things happen!

I would have written more, but I have a small child asking with all her strength to come back to the real life :) So that's it friends! Thank you so much for being! I feel so grateful to have found you and be connected with you!


May all the people on Steemit find their own tribe, as I seem to find my lovely people to share virtual life with :)
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