Prenatal(Fetal) memory(胎内記憶)

Before I start, I am not religionist or spiritualist but also I have no problem with religionist or spiritualist.

I love reading spiritual stories or any religion related stories but I don't believe in them. The word "believe" is such a strong word so I don't believe in those things...

I have respect to people who has faith in any kind of god. I love nature, if nature is what spirituality is about, maybe I'm a tiny bit of spiritualist sometimes. When I see ugly side of humans (pollution, animal/child/sexual abuse) I wish I was a dog as our little Gucci Biscuits is just fun loving, love giving creature sometimes I wish I could just join him and just live the life as it is.

So why talk about prenatal memory? I hate it when it is described in such "creepy" ways. I believe there are prenatal memories. I don't remember anything because I do not have a good memories. Mr.Biscuits has better memory than me. (Show him the flags of the world, he can compete with Sheldon from Big Bang Theory) and he doesn't even remember anything.

But our Little Biscuits does. And I know that he wasn't lying. He was 3 years old when he told me his story. He didn't make it up... I will tell you why I know he wasn't lying... Before that, let's show you guys our Little Biscuits. In my belly!!!

Well one night, Little Biscuits started crying. "I forgot my ball. I forgot my ball." We used to go to the park everyday but we didn't lose any ball. So I asked him what was he talking about, I told him that his ball is in his toy room. He got very upset and said "No, I forgot the ball.I forgot in your Puku(belly in Maori)" I told him there was no toys in my belly and he must be confused. Then he said "I was holding on to handle and blood came. Then I didn't have it. I forgot my ball." then again started to cry "I wanted the handle too. But blood came"

I never told him why he almost died at birth. We have told him that he was purple and we were worried when he was born. That Mr.Biscuits almost fainted not knowing what was going on. But not why as it was too complicated for 3 years old.

The blood came first. That's the fact that matches, and that's the fact that he wasn't told yet. I had a condition called Placental Abruption when he was born, and my placenta got detached before he was ready. I bled out a lot before he was born. That's why he was born purple, and that was why Mr.Biscuits had no idea what was going on as the doctors had to revitalize him, and stop my breeding.

His ball was actually amnion. His handle was his umbilical cord. And yes, he forgot them in my belly - not that he had a choice but how could 3 years old knew that he couldn't take them with to make his favorite toys?

After bursting out crying, and after me pointing out that he has better toys now than a ball and a handle he calmed down. He never cried about it again but when I ask him what does he remember from when he was in my belly, he always say that "The blood came".

He remembers maybe because he wasn't ready and because it was such a traumatic event for him. Or his memory is amazingly good like Mr.Biscuits'. But I know that some child can have prenatal memory and it doesn't have to be wrapped up in beautiful story.

Most probably the nurses and the doctors that helped us will never read this post, but I would like to end this post to say thank you to those who helped purple Biscuits to baby Biscuits...

私は記憶力が良い方でないのですが ビスケットおじさんは素晴らしく記憶力がいいです。でもそんなビスケットおじさんも胎内記憶はありません。(何十年も前の話だし!)






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