More hours in the day

I need more time. We need more time.

Because of the situation with our daughter everything else has been on hold. I’m studying at university and though it is summer, my work continues or should have continued. Almost the whole of June is gone, and I haven’t even opened my books. The plan was that I would do one whole class during this month, but plans change, right?

My husband is busy as well since on top of his work he is also posting here like a crazy person. At times I have criticized it a bit thinking that he has some kind of obsession for Steemit (or I still think he does) but I do understand he is doing it for us. My parents used to babysit our daughter a few days a week so that we both could get our work done but during the summer they are away, and we are on our own. Now we can really see how much they have helped us. We are struggling to get this situation to work.

I’m not able to stay awake the nights doing my school work plus getting up in the morning with our daughter and spending a full day with her. My husband stays up writing very late each night but when possible, gets a little bit more sleep in the morning and maybe an afternoon power nap if he can get one. But I can’t postpone my studies any longer either. I just need to find the time and get it done.

So what do we do? We need to meet half way, I guess. Maybe share the weeks in half? What about the family time then? And when will we ever spend any time together as a couple? All tips are welcome!

Hugs, Momone

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