Social Networks and Self-Esteem in Children and Teenager

Have you noticed that the way to deal with bullying for children and adolescents today is very different from how we did at their age?
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Today's kids care a lot about their reputation, even if it turns out to be only the virtual point of view of a stranger.

Social networks came to facilitate interpersonal relationships, and thus unite people who otherwise might not know; So far we are doing well, they have begun to think that our children, nephews and even co-workers call "friends" people they have never seen in their lives, while ignoring the people who are physically around them. Do you find it strange? It's like watching a child playing tennis with his video game while outside makes a beautiful day and they can go out to play real tennis with the guys on the block.
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We have allowed appearances to be more important than reality, our influence on the lives of the youngest is fundamental, for example, if today I decided to prepare a cake to spoil my children, I would surely take many pictures of the process and the result for document everything in my networks and brag a bit, but, what would my children see ?, your mom sharing photos so that other people tell you whether or not they wink the fabulous cake, instead of simply sharing it with them and waiting for their opinion; the message sent is very clear we must wait for the approval of the networks to be satisfied with what we do.
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Well for that child it is very strange that mom or dad tells them to value themselves, that the value of a person does not depend on how he looks, or that simply the opinion of others should not determine their actions.
For adults it is not so complex because most of us were raised with certain values, so we have well-defined personalities, that is, we do not necessarily share our experiences in networks with approval, although for the boys it seems that way, we must take care of the messages that we send with our example.

Today's society is very hard for a child or adolescent, let's help them a bit, give them the tools that allow them to face the daily bombardment of the media where they are told that the physical does not matter, but they need the collective's approval, where they are told about bulimia while transmitting beauty contests with women who have measures that the vast majority will never have at least healthily.

Social networks are a wonderful opportunity to unite us within differences, they teach us a world of colors, languages ​​and flavors, so the job of using them properly is ours.

A hug.


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