Return My Sister..


I threw myself on the bed, my body was very tired after studying all day. From seven o'clock in the morning until four o'clock my brain was forced to accept a boring lesson for me, especially today there was a math lesson, the most difficult lesson my brain received. I do not know why I suddenly smiled to see my brother standing at the door of my room, he looks very sweet. I got up from my bed and walked over to her.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Let's eat! Today's sister cooks your favorite foods. "He said as he led me into the dining room.

I'm so happy to have an older brother like him. She is beautiful, kind, diligent and also smart. He always makes my heart calm. Although initially my heart was upset, but because of his presence made my heart feel peaceful. My sister always helps me with homework that is either how much, he also likes to give me a reward if the value of my test is good. There was no bad impression when I was with him. Sister is my loyal friend when mom and dad are busy with her job. Although my sister was only a senior high school and I was in junior high, she was like an adult who always protected me.

My sister Anggraini Valena's name, she always ranked first in school. While I'm Ravella Najwa who always diomeli mama and papa when they see the value of my exceptional rapork. I'm used to being spoiled by both my parents and my sister because I'm the youngest person in my house. However, I love to help my sister do her homework when Mom and Dad are not at home. I love my sister very much, even if my sister is sick I do not want to go to school because I want to keep it. That's why my sister loves me too much.

"Watch out the cat!" Yelled the sister who made my daydreams pass. I was surprised to see my beloved pupus had eaten my favorite jerky.
"Loh, how come stupid anyway? Want to eat together with Pupus? "Said my sister with a small laugh at me. I felt embarrassed and started eating my lunch (though it was late afternoon) with gusto, because this afternoon I had not had time to eat.

One night when my sister and I were busy watching TV suddenly my brother's cell rang.
"Who called you?" I asked.
"Friend of the deck brother, just a moment." Said my brother and left me alone.

Sister looks engrossed in talking with his friend, occasionally heard a laugh that omen how funny thing he talked about it. It was nine o'clock at night, but my sister did not even call, I went to my room and started sleeping to meet my beautiful dream.

I checked my bag when Pak Jajai ordered to collect a book of mathematics assignments.
"Oh no, how come?" I complained when I did not find my duty book in my bag.
"Why Vel?" Vidia asked my seatmate.
"My job is Vid, it's not there." I said frantically.

Vella, where is your job? "Asked Mr. Jajai who was in front of me, I was shocked and did not answer a word.
"You do not make a job?" Asked Mr. Jajai again. I looked down fear, Mr. Jajai also told me to get out.
"According to the agreement that has been agreed upon, that does not make the task please come out." Firmly Pak Jajai who made the whole class laugh at me. I also ran out of class in embarrassment, I know this is all my fault. If I had not been negligent, I would not have been punished like this. I can not understand why my job is not getting carried away. This morning I woke up late, had to rush to go to school.

"Sister, I'm coming home." I say when just got home.
"Yes." Said the older sister who was in her room. My sister always comes home from school first because I do not have an afternoon school like in my school.

"Get out of here! I was punished by Pak Jajai because I forgot to bring my mathematics assignment book kak. "Rengekku complained to my sister.
"Yeah, that's your fault. why not try to bring a book of assignments. "Said my brother replied like mock me. Unusually-he usually answers like that, I feel strange to my sister, usually he always said good to me.
"I'm sorry kak, I'm negligent." I say sadly.

"Why apologize to brother? You're not wrong with your sister, apologize to yourself. "The older brother replied like a joke.
"I'm sorry for myself." I say jokingly.
"I do not have time to joke with you." Said his brother when he opened the door of his room. Big brother plays his phone as if he does not care about me, he then sat on the couch regardless of me who had been waiting for him out of his room. My heart is getting sick, I ran to the kitchen, where my favorite jerky tone can comfort my heart. However, I did not see the food on the table, when I checked the refrigerator it was still in the refrigerator. I was very disappointed and went back to see my brother.

"Sister, why not cook? Vella hungry kak. "I say while pressing my stomach is very hungry.
"Cook yourself!" Reply cuek and still play hpnya. I was very disappointed with the treatment of my sister today, I then ran to the room and banged my room door because irritated, but still no reaction from my brother. I hugged my teddy doll and began to let go of my tears.

Every day I notice the attitude of my brother always makes me annoyed and annoying, no more my brother who as before, hpnya never get out of his hands, he always play it. Even more sad for me all the homework is charged to me, no brother ever helped me, he was only good at this and told that. If I do not want to obey him, he even beat me, not the least I thought sister going like this. Mom and dad have not come home because they're assigned abroad, I can not reach them because my sister has forbidden me, and I miss them so much.

I was so tired when I got home from school to do my own homework. My sweet sister had turned into a frightful sister to me, angry and always rude to me, but to others she always said meek.

"Again sit down aja affection, what again?" Said my brother I accidentally heard that time.
"Calling who is kak?" I asked her. My brother did not answer and looked at me angrily, but he kept talking softly to the person who called him.
From that moment on I began to realize that my sister had started dating even though she had never told me about it, which was clear since the presence of that person in the life of my brother made me and my brother not like before, of course I really hate that person.

As I cleaned up my sister's room, I saw the number 46 on the test paper, I was shocked to see it and asked my sister.
"What are you doing sister business? Take care of your own business, what do you think you're smart? "Angry brother to me.
"Not so kak, but not usual-usually the value of a sister like this. Or because the boyfriend's boyfriend is so sister like this? "I replied.
"Eh, do not relate the issue of courtship with the value, you tu still little you never know how hard ngerjain these problems." Answer brother.

"Since when did my sister think such a problem was difficult? I know the brother of a clever student who can solve all problems, not like this. I'm disappointed with my sister. "I say upset and go away.
"It's up to you." Sister yelled.

I hate people who have changed my brother's life, I want to complain to my mom about the change of brother's attitude, but I do not have hp or hp numbers papa and mama. Maybe mama knows that my sister and I are still like always sharing with each other, but the reality is no longer like that. Sometimes at night, I always complain,
"When did mama and papa come home?" I always spilled clear water from my eyes.

Tok tok tok .. There was someone who knocked on my door. I just finished eating my morning breakfast immediately opened the door.

"Hi deck, Kak Valenanya is there?" Asked a handsome man who was in front of me.
"There's kak," I replied, watching him.
"So this is Kak Valena's girlfriend" I thought.

"Who is Vel?" Said Sister from her room.
"This is Irfan." The man replied.
"Get him in Vel!" Shouted the older sister.
"Please come to Kak Irfan." I say.

"Her boyfriend's Kak Valena ya?" I asked suddenly.
"I'm a deck." The answer was rather nervous.
"Oh that, yes I've gone to school first." I say and go leave it. I really hate that man, because he is my brother to be changed. I went to school even though my mind was still on the man.

Since then, every morning the man always picks up a sister to go to school together, whereas sister's school is not too far from home just takes five minutes to walk, I think is too lebay pick up pick-up everything. I am increasingly disgusted to see the man trying to get away from school so he can not see her. However, although it was like that the man often came to the house to take my sister to go for a walk. So I can not help but look at his boring face for me.

Today I'm so excited because my mathematical repetition value is the highest grade in the class, my friends do not think that I can get such a good value let alone math. When I got home from school, I ran for joy to go home because today is mama and papa will be back home soon.

Upon arriving home, I heard a sobbing in her room. I secretly tried to hear what he said.
"I do not want to break up from you Fan." Said his brother in his tears.

"Sister, sister is not okay kak?" I ventured to ask him.
"Go you!" He shouted surprised me.
"No more who love me, I hate you all." He continued again.

"Vella darling sister." I tried to calm him down.
"I do not need love from you, I just need affection from Irfan." He replied.

I tried to open the door of his room when I knew he was raging in his room. There was a fall of this and that.
"Sis, open the door kak! Vella dear sister. "I say that started crying.
"Go away!" He shouted.
"Where will Vella go? please open the door. "I kept telling her to open the door, but she did not open it for me either. I sat down and cried at her door, hoping she opened the door and hugged me.

Unfortunately, mama came home. "Said my mama from outside, I ran to hug my mother.
"Why do you cry?" My father asked.
"Look at Pa's sister!" I replied sadly.
Mom and dad went to see her.

"Valena open the door!" Yelled papa. But there was no answer from the sister's room. I'm getting more and more anxious about that. Papa was trying to open the door of the sister's room and finally the door was open.

Me, mama and papa surprised to see brother, he lies on the floor, his room is very messy. My eyes fixed on the poison of rat killer spilled on the floor. Mom and Dad ran to hug my brother, while my legs were stuck because of the powerful earth gravity felt and eventually made my body fall.

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