Family Guidelines: Handling a new born baby

Family Guidelines

Handling New Born Baby

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It is very important that in order to properly take good care of our baby, we should be familiarize its habit. We should also know the reason why the baby is doing those things and what to do about it.

Why the baby cry?
The crying of a baby is a form of communication, it is very important to study this communication and give proper attention. On the first week of the baby, its crying could give doubts to the mother. This is usual. Try to give him milk, change its diaper, play or lullaby. Maybe he just wanted to be carried for long. The baby stayed under the protection of the womb for 9 months and now that he's out, he felt different due to the new environment, which could be reason of its crying.

Never get worry, instead think that while he get used to its new environment, its crying will also be lessen every now and then. There are times that the baby's crying is different. Take note that the changes of in crying style could be in indication of tiredness and not feeling well. If you think that the baby is sick, don't be reluctant in consulting a pediatrician.

Also take note that if the reason for crying is because the baby wanted to be carried, there's nothing wrong if you will satisfy him but don't train him to be dependent in carrying because time will come that every time you will put him down you will cry again. This is not a good habits for the baby and is not good for the mother as well.

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Pacifier or Not?
The pacifier can use to make the baby stop from crying, especially during their first few weeks, but this cold be a hitch to the mother's breastfeeding. If decided to use pacifier, try to wait for 1 month or more before starting to use it. During this time, the baby is already used to its mother's breastfeed. The baby needed to take the milk from its mother breast for the 1st few months of the baby.

This will help the baby establish growth that bottled milk could not give. Babies who take milk from its mother for the 1st 2 years is a healthy baby, considering that its mother is also healthy and has good eating habits. If we compared a baby under breastfeeding to bottle milk dependent, breasfeed babies doesn't easily get sick and if they got sick, it won't take long and will heal after few natural medications.

The pacifier can only be given if you wanted the baby to go to sleep and should be slowly taken off when the baby had fall asleep. If the baby refuse the pacifier, don't force him. Never put sweet things to the pacifier because this could result to indigestion and could result to infection. Make sure that it's always clean and change it over time. The absoption of pacifier can give pleasure to the baby, this can be use whenever the baby is feeling anxiety, but long usage of this could be a reason to its improper growth of its gum.

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Why the baby hiccough?
After two to three months old, the baby used to hiccup after eating. Don't worry. This is a disturbance that can be handled by the baby. Hiccup will only last a few minutes and usually stop after burp. According to our ancestors, baby hiccup is an indication of growth, it means that the baby is growing taller and bigger. Among the reason of hiccup is too much food or long rest of the stomach, which can be avoided if the baby's mouth is properly attached to the mother's breast.

The vomiting of few spoon of milk is an indication that the baby is full or is over feeding. This is a small disturbance and could not result to any unfavorable effects to its health. If vomiting occurs a number of times in a day, try to consult a pediatrician.

Sleeping Child
How long does the baby should sleep? The shifting of baby from sleep and awake is one of the needs of the baby and could be influence in its day to day activities. Breastfeeding could not make the baby tired, especially in its few weeks of his life, falling asleep after this, is just a usual thing. In the first few weeks, breastfeeding could be irregular sometimes. When breastfeeding, the baby will just stop according to its desire and needs to drink, and after that it will go to sleep, and the baby's behavior of sleeping and awake is established.

The quality and duration of the baby's sleep is not dependent on the feeding alone, but also to its environment. It is also important to have an orderly place for the baby to properly sleep because sleeping is also a very important thing in the baby's growth. The baby can be easily fall into asleep is they are nourished with milk, good and adequate temperature and quite environment. Breastfeeding while lying on the mother chest could also be a hitch on ots sleeping habits. Breastfeeding is a very good thing to the child but will also result to tiredness and this tiredness will disturb the baby from sleep.

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