My style of home. My style of family. My style of parenting.

With social media blooming everywhere, we watch other parents post up their fantastic family's vacation, photos of family's fun outdoor activities, we read about '10 ways to create a happy home', we envy the nice delicious food photos that others have, etc. Then we try to follow the trend. Plan a vacation with family. Or sign up for a run or outdoor activities with children. Snap alot of photos. Then post at our social media. But at the end of the day, we are back to square one. Children and parents are exhausted and all are whiny. House is messy and housechores pile up. So "We have tried our best and we ended this way?!! What could have gone wrong?"

Yes, you read me correctly.
Nothing went wrong. It is normal happenings for all home. Everyone just to need to rest and sleep. Don't be too hard on yourself.

This is family. This is home. This is parenting. Children are children. They can be so random they want ice-cream now and the next moment they cry when you offer them an ice cream!

What I have learned throughout years of taking care of home, family and children is that none is perfect. Hey, that include myself! So I try not to envy so much what other families are doing great. They travel, they eat, they adventure. AND they get to post up so many fantastic photos/videos/sentences in their social media. I admire them and I am happy for them. PLUS, I think no one will take out their cameras to snap the ugly side of their faces crying or shouting or quarreling and post "Yes, I just fight with my spouse and my children and this is my crying angry face! Check it out!"

You can browse through and admire plus get connected with the world, but pleeeease never ever measure your worth and happiness by comparing with others what you don't get to do with what they get to do. Or what they have with what you don't have. NEVER COMPARE or you risk yourself downgrade your self-esteem and self-worth. I learned it the hard way. I had my months of bawling and envy and comparing once I realised my lifestyle would change tremendously with a child that was medically ill at home. I thank God it only took me months before I see the light and bliss of it.

Every home is different. Every family is unique in their own way. Every parenting is adapted by the parents-children's relationship - so that is why parenting style varies. Every couple is different. Some can show affection in public causing much envy to those who are yearning for one. Some only show affection at home. For example my husband and I are quite decent couple in public that does not mean we are short of love and affection. So, just DO NOT COMPARE but give thanks with what you have and count the blessings daily.

Christmas is the season much celebrated by people of all walks of life throughout the world. They will be many vacations, travelling, foodie-gathering, exchanges of gifts, events, parties, etc. No doubt all these will be posted up in respective social media. You do not need to match up with the trend if you can't. But if you can, do it because you want to enjoy and have fun, but not for the sake of merely matching up and try to look cool and awesome too!

Since for years having Jansen at home with me, I stay at home a lot. We don't expose him much to crowd yet due to protecting his small right lung from infection. Our family no longer has family vacation. Do I long for one? Yes, of course! BUT for now, we learn to enjoy every moment we can have at one same mundane place called HOME, whilst admiring many beautiful photos of other families' vacation and activities on phones. (Sometimes we get to plan special outing to malls or restaurants or events but usually is without Jansen. He stays at home with another caregiver)

Some photos of what we do at home and enjoy the simple moments. When Jansen is older and have better lungs' functions plus able to pick up eating skills we may plan some vacation. But for now...

Role-play. Ironman+superman

*Role-play again. Become cowboy like Woody in Toys' Story.

Talking about bugs and insects at home. This one is a small usual moth which they are fascinated at.

Eating simple meals at home because mummy always don't have time to cook professional meals. Haha

Unending cuddles

Drawing, nothing special

Blocks, legos. And more blocks

Playdough, new Christmas present from grandparents.

Being silly

Boxing & wrestling. This one I leave to their daddy.

Can't camp outside. So they camp here - double decker!

Instruments - toy guitars, toy drum, keyboard, dancing, singing, to kill time


Study and homework which is their least interest

Scooting or blowing bubbles at our apartment's ground floor

Water-gun or water the plants or ghost-buster. Whatever. As long as can buy time

Teach them some chores because I can. Hehe.

Another one doing chores. If I pay him he can do even more. Just a small tips for saving

Looks like alot to do at home and so much fun right? Yes. But also no. Because the attention span on one activity is not long. The longest is half and hour.

When mummy is tired, then.....

Ask the men go to gadget

Watch some videos

Ask them sit down watch TV so I can get some breather. or so I thought.

Sometimes lie down do nothing

All seems happy-go-lucky because I never snap those messy chaotic moments. Could have been too frustrated to even think about taking photos.

Please do not envy me because there is nothing much to envy about. Because I am sure you have your own story to tell too that suits you the best. Mind to share some? In every good moments, there bound to have some not so happy ones. In bad moments, I am sure some goodness is still present.😊 Happy parenting. Happy family time (with some unhappiness here and there AND it is absolutely normal and alright).

Merry Blessed Christmas everyone. Have fun eating, travelling and spending for the loves ones. Do everything in moderation and take care.

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