My Father My King..

I've always looked up to my mom and dad. Whether it be for guidance, support, advice or needed a shoulder to cry on they have been my true friends and have always been there for me throughout my life. I love them with all my heart and believe that parents and their children have the strongest bond. However, i do understand that not everyone has a loving, caring father and children tends to disconnect themselves from their parents because they are just the opposite of what i mentioned.

Mom & Dad 😊
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My dad is the kindest, loving, patience and selfless person i know. He is and always has been my biggest supporter and will always be my incredible source of inspiration. My mum is also the most magnificent woman in my life but since my dad's birthday was on the 24th Feb last week, i want to dedicate to my dad and all the important life lessons he has taught me. When i was 8 or 9 years old, i would asked my dad every single day Daddy, will i ever find a man exactly like you one day when i'm all grown up? and my dad would just smile and say Yes of course sweetie you will find a man who loves you and will take care of you but not exactly like me because the love of a father to his daughter is like liquid gold I didn't fully understand what it meant back then but now that i am older it made me appreciate my dad even more. I'm so glad i've met my husband who has the heart of my incredible father.

Dad & Hubby Bundle Shopping 🤗
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My father taught me to work hard and to be always grateful in whatever i have and to appreciate people that came into my life. His famous advise for me "Just do what you do best, don't worry about the result" He also taught me your home is where your heart is, my heart belongs to my family and no matter how far apart life takes us, they will always be home to me and the most valuable lesson i learnt from my father is, he taught me a father’s love for his children teaches them to have self-confidence and to love themselves.

Happy birthday again daddy, thank you for everything you are the reason as to why i am the person i am today and i just could not imagine my life without you. I love you with all my heart.

Dim Sum Lunch With Mom & Dad For Dad's 66th Birthday
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