Do we pay for our sins through our children?

You pay for your sins through your children, or so my mother believes. She still to this day says this to me when I complain about my eldest to her. So let's get real for a second, he is 10, not 20, 30 or 40, just 10, but boy can he wind me up! The thing is that I was always the good girl in school. My work was always done neat and tidy, first in class, teachers loved me. Then I met a guy in college who did not give a toss about school. In fact, he completed senior school without opening up a book! So after some time, we get married and have my son, who seems to be a carbon copy of my husband.


The thing that really grates me is that he does things just to finish it. When I did my work, I took it personally as if it was a reflection of me. But he doesnt care because he just answers the questions using as few words as he can in order to finish faster. So I complain, and nag, and complain but it doesnt change. My husband just looks at me with that sheepish face because he knows that he was exactly the same.

So, in closing, I love my son (even though he pushes every single red button that I have) and I know that he is smart. He tries to explain electronics and astronomy to me and then laughs when I have a blank expression because, let's face it, that stuff is really not that easy to understand.

I actually dont even know why I am writing this post... maybe in the hope that some mom, dad, grandparent, aunt, uncle etc knows what I am going on about and perhaps has awesome advice to dispense? Why should I pay for my husband's sins? Next time I get married (in my second life it I get one), I swear I will hold an in-depth interview focussing on childhood years before jumping into things!DSC01201.JPG

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