13 Years...And My Heart Still Melts...

 Hello Steemians,

I am proud and honored to announce that today is my daughters 13th birthday. Well It's been 20+ hours but its been busy!.I am writing this...I think...I suppose to document my feelings...thoughts. I guess I wanted to say something about how i feel now so I can remember. Sitting here watching this amazing human being i helped create I can not help but just wonder and ask God what i did for this blessing. 13 years old today...

* plays guitar

* plays piano

* pays violin

* plays ukele

* sings and dance

* straight A student

* basketball star

Her birth was surreal to me. I did not think it was real. Through the whole pregnancy I think I was just absent. To the dismay of her mother who had to experience the actual process I was mentally absent.And I remember the day...It was an ordinary visit to the Doctor...and to our amazement we were told "You guys are having a baby"!And just like that...my brain went into shock. Mommy was in tears lol. It was gonna happen. It was not easy. She was a fighter. It took 9 hours...but she finally came into the world.And it ALL ENDED for me. 

Everything I thought I knew or felt was over. I saw this precious being and I was hooked. I cut the the cord. Help give her bath and got to hold her. She was so little. 5 pounds. Fit in the palm of my hand. Now fast forward 13 years. lol...So different but still new amazing memories. Now she performs on stage and does things I shake my head at wondering how a 13 year old can do this. Proud beyond words. 

Anyhow I wanted to share this moment and hope it made you feel good or think of something that made you feel good. Love your babies!!! Give them huge hugs!!! 

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