| Minnesota Custody Court Question |

Hey #Steemians!
I have a question!

So I recently had court up in Hibbing Minnesota with Judge Starr where my child's mother lawyer - James Vollstaedt - verbally lied on record when I had an email HE sent me proving the exact opposite of what he said. When I mentioned that him and the judge both kept talking like what I just said didn't even matter. I requested the transcripts of the court hearing but they want $100 for literally a 10-minute hearing how do I go about getting the audio instead so I can bypass the transcribing fees.

Also, what steps can I take to have this lawyer held accountable and file something against the judge for completely ignoring my evidence. (12/20/18)

I called Dolly, Judge Starr's court reporter just a little bit ago and she said there is a specific Fee Waiver / In Forma Pauperis I need to file. Any idea what one I'd use? She said the one I have on file that was sufficient for the judge and the sheriff isn't for her?

#Minnesota #MNFamilyCourts #FamilyLaw #LegalHelp


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