| How is this okay? |

How is this okay?

So I finally got some of my notes back from the visitation center that I'm forced to use because my child's mother does not want to lose any ground in her attempts to alienate me from building a relationship with our child.

Now that my child's intellect is catching up and shes more understanding, she is asking to be with me and to come to my house and to have a relationship with her siblings. All of these requests from her I have to avoid telling her the truth that her "mother" is doing this to her and her mother is manipulating her, I cant tell the truth so I'm not looking like the bad guy in my visitation logs. It's so sad to watch your child be brainwashed by a parent who supposedly loves her but not more than they hate you for choosing not to be in a relationship with someone that could not make you happy. It's like mothers/parents like her assume because the father/parent doesn't want to continue on fighting and would rather place their focus on being a better parent/person and raising his children the manipulative alienating parent includes the children in that relationship ending.

Children need both of their parents. Children also need both of their parents to be at a certain level of maturity to be able to do what's best for their future.

Parental alienation is child abuse that is not recognized by the courts because it interferes with the profits they make off the destruction of families but fathers and parents like myself are ensuring that laws and more awareness get shed on this disgusting problem.

Keep trying all you want to keep this relationship from going back to as good as it was but the more you try the bigger of a fool you're going to look in the end.

Do these types of comments from a 6 year old child look like she doesn't want to be around her father? The rest of the logs just yell brainwashing..

Notes directly from LSS staff

Court in 5 days. The letter I wrote to the judge will be published after court along with more evidence if no progress is being made.

When does enough become enough?

When does the mother finally look in the mirror and see that SHE is the problem and is harming her own child to prove something to man that doesn't want anything to do with that mother?


The ball is in your court Judge Mark M. Starr of Hibbing Minnesota...

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