Read, reflect and imagine (hopefully useful)

Banyak orang melupakan ibu mereka setelah mereka kaya dan memiliki segalanya, mereka hanya peduli dengan harta dan takhta mereka dibandingkan dengan ibu mereka, terutama jika mereka sudah menikah, mereka lebih peduli dengan istri atau suami mereka daripada ibu mereka,
Memang benar, istri adalah tanggung jawab suami dan istri juga harus taati apa yang di suruh suaminya ,,
Tapi, apakah kita bersedia meninggalkan ibu kita yang tidak berdaya, apakah kita sanggub membuat air matanya jatuh berlinang, dan apakah kita tidak pernah ingat betapa sulitnya melahirkan dan merawat kita,sehingga kita menjadi dewasa dan bermanfaat ,,,?
Coba anda pikirkan dan bayangkan ,, apakah itu layak mereka mendapatkannya dari kita anaknya sendiri, yang telah di besarkan dengan susah payah ,, apakah layak ?????

Many people forget their mothers after they are rich and have everything, they only care about their treasures and thrones compared to their mothers, especially if they are married, they are more concerned with their wives or husbands than their mothers,
It is true, the wife is the responsibility of husband and wife must also obey what is in order husband ,,
But, are we willing to abandon our helpless mother, whether we can make her tears fall in tears, and do we never remember how hard she is to give birth and take care of us, so we become mature and useful ,,,?
Try you think and imagine ,, is it worth it, they get it all from us his own son, who has been upgraded with difficulty ,, is it worth ?????


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