How can you help a very good friend when your life is pretty stuck as well??

Dear Steemians,

I have a very very very good friend who lives in St Martin (the French part but she is Dutch).
Durring Hurricane Irma we kept nonstop in touch. She would call me and I could hear the wind.
Well it sounded more like a huge train passing by nonstop.
When the eye was so quit. She send me pictures and videos. The beautiful garden that she has was pretty much all gone and a lot of palmtrees snapped like it was nothing.
When it started to get darker she ran into the house and then all he broke lose!

She didn't call me anymore and I was worried sick here! Went to work with a terrible feeling in my tummy. Called here but didn't hear a thing at the other side. I couldn't concentrate at work :( ....sending her a lot of messgaes on whatsapp...and nothing. Also on Facebook and just silence....
Around 23:00 at night here in the Netherlands she send me only an app that she and her son where save and she was going to try to sleep cause she was tired.

So I could finally sleep a bit cause my head was killing me not knowing what happend to her and ofcourse the what if's came along...what if this...what if that....I am not religious but amen that she and her son were save!

The next day she send me all these pictures.....jen9.jpg







My husband and I send her some money so she could buy food, water and other things that she might need. I offered the money without thinking.
Right now my husband and I are at a point that we can't afford spending a lot but I just had to give her the money.
She wants to come back to the Netherlands with her son butttt....the flight is now only €400,- per person. So she needs €800,-. It's really only €800, ain't much but if you don't have it then it's a lot!
I so deseparetly want to help her but I really can't. She called me yesterday crying so much that she wants to leave and has nobody to help her....but how can I help her when I am in a place right now that I need a lot of help to :( ....I told her that she can live here with us untill she gets her own place. But for now I can't offer more.
It kills me inside cause I want to do more but just can't :( .....

So I started selling of mine that I don't use anymore and all the small things help. And I am sending it all to her what I will earn from the selling of my old stuff.
I can't complain cause I have a home and a good foundation here in the Netherlands and she has almost nothing :(
To bad that St Martin is so far or else I would go by car and pick her up!

Just needed to write it all off from my chest....thank you for reading.


I got promission from her to use all her pictures

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