Manual video games


Its a fun way to look look at it but its an apt description to one of my favorite ways to spend time with my friends and family. What I am talking about? Board games, and fortunately they are making a comeback.

It used to be if you wanted to play a board game you were relegated to the old standby games such as Monopoly, Yahtzee, and Chess to name a few of the most popular. Today's games, however, have grown into something vastly improved and varied. Tonight you can pull a game off the self and with your friends try to escape a sinking island with the treasure, or cure the world of a spreading disease outbreak, or even fight off a zombie Apocalypse.

There is just something more satisfying about board games as well, and it took me awhile to understand what it was. Board games are social by design, and facilitate a social experience really lacking in today's society. How else can you spend your evening laughing, learning, and working together to victory. Board games are also a great learning tool for kids helping to develop memory, analytical, and social skills all while having fun.

game playing

Interest in board games is on the rise due to better games and crowd funding platforms like kickstarter making it easier for new developers to produce games. I would encourage you to grab a game, round up the family and friends, turn off all the devices, and have some fun tonight with a manual video game.

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