Whats the secret to developing a baby genius?

Being a "Parent"

Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting yet terrifying responsibilities in the world. I couldn't wait to become a mom. To make a tiny human that would love my husband and I unconditionally (Im sure this will change when she's a teenager), that we could help grow and develop, and make a lot of cherished memories with. On the flip side, its a terrifying responsibility to bear. You and you alone are responsible for raising this tiny human into a functional member of society, you are responsible for managing their health and well being, and you are responsible for teaching them the difference between right and wrong.

Aside from all the scary stuff is the fun stuff; Helping them learn things like who their family is, where their eyes and nose are, and most importantly what corn and cars are! The project I am working on this week is creating a friends and family book for Madison so she can recognize family members by face and hopefully begin to learn their names. Thats right, everyone has to take a solo selfie! We also will be learning "first words"! I almost forgot, we got a new book to teach us where are eyes, ears, nose, etc. are!!! Add that to the schedule!



Whats the parenting end game? We want our children to have a better life than we do/did, right?!

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