faking truth #006 "forecast agenda 2025"

next chapter in my #fakingtruth political meme series
exclusive on STEEMIT.
Today I will show you the forecast 2025 on daegel.com.
Lots of mysteries swirl around, a medial "the site was hacked" hoax followed soon. But the site was never hacked. It´s a non profit site collecting intelligence (you can look up your country if you like and see what weapons tanks, planes, ammunition they bought for military use). They have even a disclaimer after extreme high rates of requests how they come to these numbers. --> It is a very interesting read !!! --->>>>

Interesting to see total disaster is programmed by the elite, seems like everything is going according to their hidden plan. division- civil war - massive population reduction. Homo sapiens sapiens has become useless as working force to generate profit for the elite.
Artificial Intelligence combined with autonomous Robotic are taking over in high speed.
The masses of homo sapiens sapiens suddenly become informed trough the internet and escape the mass hypnosis propaganda brainwash. They become a political awakened mass. The ones who are behind this populationreduction efforts have erected a huge stone monument called the georgia guidestones.

There you can see the decisions they made for the generations to come. interesting on daegel.com are also the forecast for germany, switzerland, greece

all pictures taken from daegel.com - reworked by @elgeko except
robotics picture taken from Hyundai robotics promotion

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