coronavirus , 5g, vaccines and the agenda to keep humanity inept

Here's an article that is actually well constructed (and not affiliated with any corrupt greedy corporation) on why 5G is a weapon that must be stopped:

The following paragraph taken from the website above describes the scariest possibility of 5G coupled with mandatory vaccines.

"Undoubtedly the rationalization of using this technology in such a way would be to fight “terrorism.” But what would stop law enforcement and government agencies from using it against U.S. citizens who are political dissidents, or oppose the government’s position on issues like mandatory vaccines, or GMO foods, for example?" - Scary fucking thought. Military-grade weaponry. built right into our 5g towers and satellites...

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They've programmed into us all, through their mandatory 18 years of schooling, pleasure/pain feedback loops and through repetition and regurgitation of a whole bunch of bullshit that fits their agenda. The very corporation that MAKES the vaccines, only stands to make money if there are sick people to "treat"!!! I get the feeling that the purpose of these towers, or microwave ovens on sticks, is much more than we are led to believe.


And now, the coronavirus story is all the talk on the news and around the water cooler. Through existing in the mind of millions of consumers, (who are the most complacent of all in this entire agenda), They are stuck in an endless feedback loop of fearing, believing in, and discussing this communicable disease as if it were something to be afraid of contracting, when it very might well be that these people were just victims of directed energy weaponry trials... The symptoms are the same as radiation poisoning. Symptoms of Coronavirus include: nausea, fever, cough, and shortness of breath. That sounds an awful lot like the symptoms of radiation poisoning as well. Imagine that!


I'm not saying I know definitively that the coronavirus is a complete hoax. I'm just saying, it seems fabricated out of the blue to cover up some larger picture. We're dealing with the CDC here. Plus, let me ask you this...
-Has the same institution that is serving up these very impactful stories of disease, destruction, and impending doom lied to us before?

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Could the very same reptilian, parasitic brotherhood at the head of all these stories been the very hand that guided these directed energy weapons? This past tuesday, causing the worst tornado to hit America in decades, because they flaunt the fact that they possess weather manipulation technology every chance they get. going way back for instance, to 1994 when Steven Jackson put out this very cryptic, and prophetic deck of cards known as "the Illuminati card game", only to predict such events as 911, the boston marathon bombing, and many other events to happen before their time?


And then of course, there are the robotic, culturally "normal" people all around me everywhere. Just waiting for me to say something outside the box so they can retort with some reminder of how off my rocker I am for questioning their narratives, being as I'm NOT A DOCTOR, RIGHT?

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Perhaps they have a small splinter in their mind about it, but it would cause too much discomfort to try and dislodge that splinter. The splinter that prevents common sense part of the brain from completing a circuit, and guarding the owner from placing the blame anywhere they are told to, rather than looking at the media structure and special interests groups from a birds eye view, not through the lenses you earned by taking in their garbage television and news stories. The Only thing that isn't fake about news coast to coast is the local grassroots good news and bad news. All national stories are fabricated to fit an agenda, conceal some truth, or just straight up DISTRACT US from some other heinous wrongdoing taking place right under our noses. I'm fuckin sick of it. Dwelling in a place surrounded by people who attribute their identity from being lumped together with another group of sheep. For whatever reason.

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THINK. I mean REALLY THINK. Because time is running faster as we approach the eschaton. The question is, will it mean The rapture numbers might be a loosely veiled prediction that some will get "UPLOADED TO THE AI??" and all the rest of us, dissidents in the eyes of the fearful elite, shall be zapped at the push of a button?

I'm so sick of this ride sometimes but we can all huff and puff and raise our blood pressure while we stomp and pout about all this but that is behaving in the same lower vibrational resonance that got our world to this place in the first place.

And last but not least... Why throw in a CDC card in the illuminati card game, if they were truly an altruistic entity.
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-guys my laptop is dying and I want to get this out. photos are from here:

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